Episode 50 - Adult Acne & Nourishing your Skin with Averil Bates
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
I have always had issues with skin health from blemishes and blackheads to itchy rosacia and dry skin.  In the past I spent a fortune on skin care products which were actually making my skin worse.  I now realise just how much stress, hormones, diet and hygiene play when it comes to the health of our skin.  In this episode I chat with Averil Bates from Averil Naturopathics with a focus on adult acne and skin health.   Averil is a qualified Naturopath passionate about herbal medicine, whole life nutrition and giving her patients the tools to live the healthiest life possibl ..read more
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Episode 49 - Sound Therapy for Whole Body Healing with Rafaele Joudry
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
und, the medicine of the future.   Just how powerful is sound therapy?  In this episode I speak with Rafaele Joudry, the founder of Sound Therapy International.   Rafaele holds a Masters in Psychology and specialises in Sound Therapy and a program she has been instrumental in researching and developing for over several decades.  Treating thousands of clients for conditions such as autism, stroke, brain injury, insomnia, Parkinson’s, tinnitus, depression, Alzheimer’s and so much more,  Rafaele is also an best selling author and has been featured on shows such as ABC, Su ..read more
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Episode 48 - Low energy and mood? Could it be Iron deficiency? with Sammy Barnett
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
About 70% of women who enter my clinic have some form of anaemia which has been undiagnosed for some time.  They expereience fatigue, low mood among other things.  In fact, iron deficiency has becoe a major problem in women.  In today's episode I talk about iron deficiency anaemia.  We look at:- What iron does in the body  Symptoms of low iron  What to test for when checking iron levels  Is it lacking in the diet or poor absorption  What's blocking absorption  Iron inhibitors and competitors  What may be at the root of your iron issues  ..read more
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Episode 47 - Healing PCOS Naturally with Ellen Louise Naturopath
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
2y ago
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs) is the most common endocrine disorder with 1/10 women having it.  It is commonly misdiagnosed with less than 50% of women actually being diagnosed.  I am seeing more and more women come into my clinic with signs and symptoms of PCOS and they aren’t even sure what that is! In this episode I chat with Ellen Louise, clinical naturopath and nutritionist and expert when it comes to the topic of PCOS.  When it comes to treating PCOS naturally, Ellen is a go to in our industry. Join Ellen and I as we chat all things PCOS.  What is it, the 4 dif ..read more
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Episode 46 - Learning to Trust Yourself with Carissa Crosdale
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
In this episode I chat with Carissa Crossdale, leading online Self-Mastery and Whole Self Life Coach.  Carissa helps women to clear past trauma, move through emotional challenges, create healthy beliefs and behaviours and learn how to put themselves first in a way that helps others to also thrive.   A woman of many hats, Carissa is a Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Integrated Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Coach & Practitioner, Master Emotional Change Technique Practitioner, Master Hypnosis Pactitioner, Root Cause Therapy Practitioner and Human Design Mentor. Join ..read more
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Episode 45 - Harnessing the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle with Sammy Barnett
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
I believe the window to a women’s health is through her menstrual cycle and we can use it to our advantage working in with the flow of hormones.  Working in with that natural flow of hormones we are are blessed with, progesterone and oestrogen.    In this episode I go through the 4 seasons of the menstrual cycle and show how to harness the magic each season brings to improve your life.  If this episode has resonated with you in some way, I would love to know more.   Take a screenshot and tag @seedsoflifenutrition on instagram or send me a DM. Sammy's Links IG @seedsof ..read more
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Episode 44 - Orthorexia: When achieving that "perfect" diet becomes an obsession with Ivanna Ruger
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
Something I am seeing more and more often in clinic and around the community both local and online is signs of Orthorexia.  This is something I have personally struggled with in the past and something I feel needs to be brought to the forefront.  What is Orthorexia? In a nutshell, it is fixation and obsession with proper eating for better health.  Unlike Anorexia, it is more of an obsession about the quality of food you are putting into your body than the quantity.  In this podcast episode I chat with Ivanna Ruger, a clinical nutritionist and personal trainer with a degree ..read more
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Episode 43 - Food to Support Your Mood with Sammy Barnett
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
We are more bacteria than we are gut and our bacteria communicate with our brain and impact on our neurotransmitters levels.  We also produce neurotransitters in our body through amino acids broken down from the protein we eat.  It only makes sense that the foods we eat and the state of our gut health would impact on our food.  In this episode I talk about the gut brain connection and why it is so important to nourish our guts and slow down to improve our mental health.     If this episode has resonated with you in some way, I would love to know more.   Take ..read more
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Episode 42. Making sense of Perimenopause with NAT KRINGOUDIS
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist & Mindset Coach
2y ago
Is it just me, or is it my hormones?  This is a question I get asked a lot in my clinic from women ranging from mid 30s to mid 50s.  So many of us have spent a long time outside of the body whether its raising kids, people pleasing,  getting the career we desire and go go go we have forgotten to slow down, listen to our bodies and give it the  love and nourishment it needs.  As a result, our body can end up out of balance, particularly our hormones, leading to a range of unwanted symptoms. In this podcast I chat with the industry leader in hormone health and wellness ..read more
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Episode 41 - Your words have the power to HEAL or HARM
Wholehearted Health & Nutrition
by Samantha Barnett, Clinical Nutritionist
2y ago
Words have so much power.  If you haven’t read the four agreements I highly recommend you do.  One of the agreements I wanted to talk about today is being impeccable with your word and to speak with integrity. To say what you mean and avoid using your words to speak negatively to yourself or gossip on others.  In fact, gossip is considered a way to release endorphins and make us “feel” good much like when we turn to sugary foods or binge Netflix….  Use the power behind words in the direction that is going to be more positive for you and those around you -  with truth a ..read more
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