#236: Addition vs Subtraction Strategy - How poor “maths” is leading results on your table
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
1w ago
Most nutrition strategies are super one-sided…. Most people are thinking about subtraction only… It’s all about “removing this” and “taking away that” and “reducing this”. However, the best strategy is a balancing act of addition AND subtraction. Adding things rather than just taking away things is the key.  In this episode, I explain the importance of using both an addition-based strategy as well as subtraction strategy to get the most out of your nutrition and achieve better success.  DISCLAIMER: The information in this video is for guidance only and is not individualized advice fo ..read more
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#235: Sports Dietitian Shares Unpopular Opinion on “Dieting” (That Will Help You Get Better Results)
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
2w ago
The fact is that there is NO one way to approach nutrition. There is NO best diet. Nor is there a perfect diet, NO. However, conventional dieting beliefs are strong and many people believe some hard and fast rules around nutrition NEED to be followed. There is a lot of black and white thinking when it comes to fat loss nutrition specifically.  Truth is a little bit different. In fact, with my years of experience working with clients, I have developed some opinions on “dieting” that are quite unpopular.  In this episode, I share one unpopular opinion I have on nutrition and dieting th ..read more
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#234: How To Choose Your Protein Powder - The Best (and Easiest) Protein Criteria
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
3w ago
Protein powder. Super popular. Well researched. Effective. But which one should you choose? You need to learn how to make this decision the right way. Luckily I have some basic criteria to share with you.  In this episode, I explain how to choose the right protein powder option on the market so that you do not waste your money (or simply to keep it nice and simple for you so you can focus on more important things).  DISCLAIMER: The information in this video is for guidance only and is not individualized advice for you! Your unique situation needs to be taken into consideration and ad ..read more
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#233: Missed the Motivation Train? Here are some tips on re-motivating yourself!
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
3w ago
Motivation…. It comes and it goes. It helps and then it doesn’t…. So what can one do when motivation dips and the effort drops - leading to your nutrition plan and exercise not being adhered too? In this episode, I share some easy tips to help you re-motivate yourself and get back on track.  ____________________________________________ DOWNLOAD MY FREE MACRO NUTRITION CHEATSHEET  Your Guide To Improving Your Macros & Food Knowledge https://theclimbingdietitian.lpages.co/macro-cheatsheet-the-climbing-dietitian/ Apply for Bespoke 1:1 Macro Sherpa Nutrition Coaching Program: https ..read more
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#231: Breaking Down The Truth On Fat Loss Speed (How Quickly Should You Lose Weight?)
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
1M ago
Fat loss is the top goal in the nutrition space. This means so many people are wondering how quickly they should be achieving their fat loss goals and body composition aspirations.  There is no universal rule here but there are some key considerations you need to have as well as an understanding of what is realistic and what is normal.  In this episode, I break down some insights on weight loss speed to give you an idea of what you should be expecting and thinking about when it comes to “how quickly should fat loss be happening”. ____________________________________________ DOWNLOAD ..read more
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#230: Signs You Are Eating The Wrong Foods Before Your Game, Comp, or Race
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
1M ago
Nutrition is a crucial pillar of sports success. There are no two ways about it. It is undeniable. Its science. Fact. When it comes to sports nutrition, the first thing people think about is “what should I eat before a game or competition?”. Aka the pre-game meal/snack. So naturally this is where most start and where some of the early issues showing their face. We need to address this! In this episode, I share a number of common signs that you are eating the wrong foods before your game, comp, or race.  ____________________________________________ DOWNLOAD MY FREE MACRO NUTRITION CHEATSHE ..read more
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#229: How Important (And Effective) Is Whey Protein Powder Really
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
2M ago
Everyone and their dog seems to be taking whey protein powder or some form of protein powder. Whether one is losing weight or building muscle, it is undeniable that protein powder has entered the chat and doesn’t want to leave. The issue is when you have people loudly and with a lack of context, attributing their success to taking whey powder.  Even more so a problem when you have people in their 50’s and older transforming their physiques to crazy amounts of muscle nearly overnight and touting the power of the humble protein powder! So what is the truth? Quite simply…how important and e ..read more
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#228: How To Maintain Caloric and Diet Control on Holidays (Without Thinking About It)
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
2M ago
One of the biggest obstacles dieters face is the daunting prospect of having to manage their nutrition when holiday time arrives. What does one do to maintain control or prevent themselves from falling off track and losing much-earned progress?! The truth is that you should not have to stress about this. Keeping yourself on track can be more simple than you would imagine. It comes down to frameworks and considerations you can put in place - some you don’t even have to think about much.  In this episode, I share insight from my most recent roadtrip across New Zealand to help you see how n ..read more
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#227: Are You Not Eating Enough Calories? | 5 Signs You Are Under-eating in 2024
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
2M ago
Many athletes and non-athletes alike (such as busy parents, working professionals, and fitness weekend warriors) don’t eat enough because they want to be “shredded” but this often comes with a price when done incorrectly and without professional guidance. Fat loss goals can be a slippery slope for some people and lead them to the point of under-fuelling.  In this episode, I share the 5 key signs to look out for to determine if you are not eating enough calories.  Are you experiencing these signs? ____________________________________________ DOWNLOAD MY FREE MACRO NUTRITION CHEATSHEET ..read more
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#226: Can you eat too much of a good thing? The fat loss conundrum revealed
The Reach Your Peak Experience
by Aleksa the Sports Dietitian
3M ago
Is it true that you can eat too much good, healthy food? As it relates to fat loss specifically. Fat loss requires a calorie deficit and most healthy foods contain less calories than their discretionary counterparts.  So it is understandable to think that merely swapping to healthy foods will solve your weight loss woes, right? Yet so many dieters still struggle when they swap to a healthier diet and are “eating only healthy foods”.  Could it be that you can eat too much healthy food?  This is what we want to explore so that you have a definitive answer.  In this episode, I ..read more
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