February’s perfect match: Your garden and our organic fertiliser
by kablooeymonsters
1w ago
Keep your garden thriving this summer with Wonder Organic Vita-Boost, the ultimate organic fertiliser for heat, drought, and vibrant growth ..read more
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Flowering shrubs are the best thing to happen to your garden
by kablooeymonsters
1M ago
Find out which flowering shrubs will bring colour to your outdoor space. Plus, get expert tips on planting, watering, and feeding with Wonder ..read more
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Edible gardening with mature plants for a fresh, festive summer feast
by kablooeymonsters
2M ago
Get a head start on edible gardening for a festive feast! Discover tips for growing tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and more with Wonder Vita-Boost ..read more
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How to rescue your grass with summer lawn fertiliser & expert tips
by kablooeymonsters
3M ago
Is your lawn struggling to survive the summer heat? If you find yourself staring at a patchy, brown yard, it’s time for a lawn rescue. As temperatures rise, lawns often face challenges like heat stress, dryness, and uneven growth. These issues can leave your grass looking tired and worn out. Wonder Lawn & Leaf is ..read more
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Grass looking sad because of lawn caterpillars? Here’s how to fix it
by Janelle V
4M ago
Lawn caterpillars can cause huge damage to your beautiful green lawn if left untreated. These pests are the larvae of moths, and they feed on your grass at night, leaving ugly brown patches behind. Spotting and controlling these pests early is key to saving your lawn from severe damage. In this article, we’ll explore what ..read more
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What to sow in spring
by kablooeymonsters
5M ago
In this blog, you’ll discover what to sow in spring and how to give your garden the best possible start, from vibrant flowers to fruitful harvests ..read more
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Bloekomplante laat jou huis soos ‘n spa ruik en dit is so maklik om te groei
by kablooeymonsters
5M ago
Koalas is nie die enigstes wat lief is vir bloekomplante nie. Hierdie geurige plante is maklik om te groei en veeldoelig—’n gunsteling vir jou huis. Beplan jy om vir jouself ‘n bloekomplant te kweek? Leer oor plantversorging, groei en kreatiewe maniere om bloekombome in jou huis te gebruik. Bloekomplant sorg basiese beginsels Terwyl die bloekom ..read more
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Your spring guide to growing tomatoes
by Janelle V
6M ago
As the days grow longer and temperatures begin to rise, it’s time to prepare your garden for the upcoming growing season. Spring is the perfect time to start planning and preparing your garden for a bountiful tomato harvest. From the sunny coastlines to the heart of our beautiful country, South Africa offers ideal conditions for ..read more
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Gesiggies: Jou kaartjie vir ‘n tuingenot die hele jaar
by Agro-Serve
8M ago
Gesiggies, daardie pragtige blommetjies met gesiggie vorm, is ‘n ware tuinier se juweel. Ideaal vir beginners, hierdie kleurvolle blomme is maklik om te groei, vereis nie baie spasie nie en floreer in ‘n verskeidenheid toestande. Hulle sal vir tot 7 maande ‘n sarsie kleur na jou potte, hangmandjies of randvertonings bring! In hierdie blog sal ons jou lei deur hoe om gesiggies te plant en te versorg met Wonder se produkte en leer jou ‘n paar prettige feite langs die pad. Hoekom plant gesiggies Langdurig: Geniet blomme deur die grootste deel van die jaar, ongeag die seisoen. Alle seisoene kleur ..read more
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Eucalyptus plants make your home smell like a spa and they’re so easy to grow
by Agro-Serve
9M ago
Koalas aren’t the only ones who love eucalyptus plants. These fragrant plants are easy to grow and multi-purpose—a favourite for your home. Are you planning on growing a eucalyptus plant for yourself? Learn about plant care, growing, and creative ways to use eucalyptus in your home. Eucalyptus plant care basics Well-drained, acidic to neutral soil Sun-loving Water regularly when top soil dries Feed with a low-nitrogen liquid fertiliser every few weeks in the spring Propagate with seeds, grafting, or cuttings Toxic to humans and pets if ingested While reaching nearly 18 metres tall in its na ..read more
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