Centric Mental Health Blog
Centric Mental Health, previously Spectrum Mental Health, is Ireland's leading provider of private mental health support services, across both primary care and corporate settings. They uphold strict clinical standards in all that they do and use only fully qualified mental health professionals in both the design and delivery of all of their services. Explore their blogs and resources to..
Centric Mental Health Blog
1w ago
How does social media affect your child's mental health? From anxiety and depression to low self-esteem, learn how to help them navigate social media healthily and protect their well-being ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1w ago
Set meaningful and achievable goals for 2025 with this step-by-step guide. Discover tips on creating a solid plan, staying motivated, and setting goals that matter to you ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1w ago
Discover the five love languages and how to express love in meaningful ways. Words, actions, gifts, quality time, and physical touch can strengthen your relationships this Valentine’s Day ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
3w ago
Setting healthy boundaries is key to improving mental well-being, reducing stress, and strengthening relationships. Find out how to identify, communicate, and maintain boundaries for a more fulfilling life ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1M ago
Mental health in Ireland remains underfunded, with both national and personal investments falling short. This blog highlights the importance of valuing mental health, addressing the funding gap, and shifting personal priorities for long-term well-being ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1M ago
On World Mental Health Day, prioritise mental health in your workplace. Implement effective strategies such as setting clear boundaries, practising mindfulness, and building supportive relationships to create a healthier work environment for everyone ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1M ago
As daylight saving time begins, understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is essential. Here are some practical strategies to alleviate symptoms and improve your mood during the winter months ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1M ago
Embracing discomfort is essential for personal growth, as both physical and mental challenges drive adaptation and resilience. Explore the parallels between marathon training and mental health, and why it’s important to push through struggles to foster lasting change ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1M ago
It's high time we address the stigma around expressing emotions, the mental health impact of emotional suppression, and how men can embrace vulnerability to live healthier, more connected lives. This International Men's Day, read our blog to find out how you can help yourself, or the men around you ..read more
Centric Mental Health Blog
1M ago
Explore the connection between kindness and mood, and how performing acts of kindness can boost your mental health, as being kind triggers feel-good hormones and creates a positive cycle for both the giver and the receiver ..read more