ecostore » Garden
From composting and organic gardening tips to wholesome recipes and help around the house. Explore, learn, and be inspired by our community of sustainability, health, and wellness warriors.
ecostore » Garden
2y ago
In the winter months you’ll no doubt have your beds full of cabbages, caulis, broccoli (those in the South will be able to grow Brussels sprouts too), along with kales, spinach and silverbeet, carrots, beetroot and parsnips, maybe some leeks too ..read more
ecostore » Garden
2y ago
Winter is the best time of the year to plant pip and stone fruit. At this time of year you’ll be able to buy bare-rooted fruit trees. The advantages of a bare-rooted fruit tree are they can have up to twice as many roots as trees in bags and they usually cost less ..read more
ecostore » Garden
2y ago
Broccoli is probably the most loved green vegetable of all time and it’s time to plant it now - along with its cousins in the brassica family – cabbage, cauliflower, kale and so on ..read more
ecostore » Garden
3y ago
If you grow nothing else, have a go with herbs – they’re truly easy and rewarding. Nothing beats being able to go out the back or front door to pick fresh herbs for meals, and it costs so much less ..read more
ecostore » Garden
3y ago
Autumn is the time to enjoy the last of our fruiting crops - capsicums and eggplants are pumping out fruit - and we sow seeds for our brassicas (kale, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli) to enjoy over the winter months ..read more
ecostore » Garden
3y ago
Spring is the time we think about the soil that’s going to grow our summer bounty. There’s so much advice out there as well as loads of good products and it can be very confusing. There are fertilisers, and there are soil conditioners and while they’re different from one another, they’re both essential for good soil health ..read more
ecostore » Garden
3y ago
Newly planted summer vegetables have been thriving on the extra water we've seen in recent weeks, especially given the water restrictions in place for parts of New Zealand and Australia. In this blog post we discuss how to plant asparagus and why some leafy greens planted in spring have the annoying habit of going to seed early on ..read more
ecostore » Garden
3y ago
There’s nothing that says Summer better than Strawberries and the middle of Winter is the time to plant them! If you don’t have any growing at your place, they’re just coming into the shops now (mid-June). If you’ve been growing new plants from the runners of old ones, they will have been ready for a month or so by now and you can actually start planting these homegrown plants from mid-May onwards ..read more
ecostore » Garden
3y ago
This September is Bee Aware Month in Aotearoa New Zealand. As the start of spring, it’s a great month for us humans to step up and ‘bee a hero’ – and take action to help our local bees ..read more