DIY Designs Blog
DIY Designs: An online landscape design company offering quality garden plans & landscape design services. Easy, achievable garden design ideas suitable for DIY.
DIY Designs Blog
3M ago
Camellia Sasanqua 'Setugekka' (Sasanqua Camelia)Camellia Sasanqua 'Early Pearly' (Sasanqua Camelia)Camellia Sasanqua 'Silver Dollar (Sasanqua Camelia)Also beautiful as standalone shrubs , these 3 white camellias are the ones that I suggest first for my garden design clients when they want a white flowering camellia hedge ???.Camellia's make excellent hedges for a few reasons including...✅They're evergreen (ie they keep their foliage all year) so they will give your garden year-ro ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
3M ago
PLANTS FOR FREE!!Well, almost.....These small grass-like plants are super easy to grow and great value for money as the little tufts will spread naturally over time to form a dense ground cover. It’s like getting free plants!Fantastic, because like most small plants, you’ll get the best design impact if you grow them in groups or large drifts.?Sweet flag is an excellent plant for foliage contrast and an interesting alternative to the small limey lomandras like ‘Little Con ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
3M ago
?This lovely little blue flowering feature plant is.... Ajuga reptans 'Jungle Beauty'. It's not the typical planting choice for between pavers, but sometimes it's good to mix it up ?'Ajuga' aka 'bugle flower ' is a spring flowering groundcover ideal for shade and semi-shaded positions. It's pretty easy to grow, though it doesn't like 'wet feet'??.Maturing at a petite 250mm high, one plant can spread 1–2 metres plus wide, as it spreads by rooting. However, for a fast cover, it ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
3M ago
?I love using THIS lomandra in my garden designs JUST AS MUCH as all the other lomandras ?.What's not to like! 'Frosty Tops' has that gorgeous grey-green foliage that everybody is loving currently, and being very heat tolerant, it's a better bet for those of us gardening in a humid climate than grey-green than Festuca glauca (blue tussock) or Helictotrichon sempervirens (blue oat grass).Lomandra 'Frosty Tops' needs a lot of space, maturing at around 800mm+ wide. Growing to such a good size ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
1y ago
Rosa 'White Carpet' (Carpet Rose)There's no such thing as a boring plant - just boring plant design!Give carpet roses a contemporary look by planting in large swathes and spicing it up with sculptural NZ native plant companions such as Muehlenbekia astonii, Astelia 'Silver Spear' or oioi. Or try white carpet roses below Nikau, studded with bullet-proof lime green lomandra (not NZ native but still ? ). Carpet roses are one of those wonderful low-maintenance plants that often get dismissed ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
1y ago
Lomandra 'White Sands' (Mat Rush)A beautiful plant for impact in your planting schemes. Mix with flowering plants or massed on its own, Lomandra 'White Sands' is a standout. Check out yesterday's post to see other great lomandras of all sizes.If garden plants have you confused or you just want to learn, FOLLOW ME on Instagram for regular insights, tips and tricks on plants, planting design & garden design in general ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
1y ago
Black Mondo / Ophiopogon 'Nigrescens'If garden plants have you confused or you just want to learn, FOLLOW ME on Instagram for regular insights, tips and tricks on plants, planting design & garden design in general ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
1y ago
?Shh, don't tell everyone, but I think this might just be the perfect small garden plant ?Nandina 'Lemon and Lime' is the green form of the common 'heavenly bamboo' plant (most people know the common old red types, and not everyone's a fan).Growing to a nice, neat 1m x1m size, it's lush &leafy & reliable in both sun and semi-shade. Did I mention it's evergreen, so it'll even look good in the dreary winter months.✅A perfect little rounded shrub with colour to complement the form a ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
1y ago
Camelia Sasanqua 'Setugekka' (Sasanqua Camelia)Camelia Sasanqua 'Early Peraly' (Sasanqua Camelia)Camelia Sasanqua 'Silver Dollar (Sasanqua Camelia)✨3 MOST POPULAR WHITE CAMELIA USED FOR HEDGINGAlso beautiful as standalone shrubs ???, these 3 white camellias are the ones that I suggest for my garden design clients when they want a white flowering camellia hedge.Camellia's make excellent hedges for a few reasons including...✅They're evergreen (ie keep foliage all year) so they wi ..read more
DIY Designs Blog
1y ago
Acorus Gramineus 'Ogon' (Golden Variegated Sweet Flag)PLANTS FOR FREE!!Well, almost.....These small grass-like plants are super easy to grow and great value for money as the little tufts will spread over time to form a dense ground cover.It’s like getting free plants!Fantastic, because like most small plants, you’ll get the best design impact if you grow them in groups or large drifts.?Sweet flag is an excellent plant for foliage contrast and an interesting, alternative to the small limey ..read more