Kiwi Gardener
Kiwi Gardener is a magazine for gardeners who like to get their hands dirty. Our aim is to build on our connections with garden clubs and societies, continue to highlight the efforts of everyday Kiwi gardeners, and arms readers - especially beginners - with all they need to get the most out of their backyard, every season.
Kiwi Gardener
8M ago
Rediscover the charming, old-fashioned blooms our grandmothers grew and loved ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
9M ago
A Taranaki Fringe Garden Festival favourite elegantly combines shade, edibles and outdoor seating areas ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
9M ago
Put on your rose-tinted glasses and learn all about growing these beloved vintage beauties ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
10M ago
Discover a novel way to inject colour into the winter garden and get creative with your kids ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
10M ago
Drape a hoya around your home for the ultimate piece of living art ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
11M ago
One of our most beautiful, yet vulnerable, natives is a garden favourite ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
11M ago
Our former editor adventures to Aotea Great Barrier Island’s one-of-a-kind gardening tour and finds she must adapt to island time ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
1y ago
After a busy summer feeding edibles or flowers, garden soil needs a recharge. WORDS & PHOTOS Shannon Hunt Hopefully, you have harvested basket-loads of goodness from your garden this season, so now is a good time to replenish your soil as growing vegetables, flowers and fruit trees will have stripped it of much of its ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
1y ago
Grow the nut that grows underground.WORDS & PHOTOS SARAH O’NEIL When you think of nuts, peanuts spring to mind. In fact, they’re not a nut but a legume, so peanuts are more closely related to beans than cashews or hazelnuts. The other misconception around peanuts is the belief they grow in trees like all the ..read more
Kiwi Gardener
1y ago
Rather than toss it, consider whether your kitchen or garden waste can do you a favour ..read more