On The Table Gaming
On the Table is a gaming podcast that focuses on board games, tabletop wargames, and collectible card games with a special focus on A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game.
On The Table Gaming
3M ago
We’re sad to see Fabio Cury go but incredibly grateful for his contributions to A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game! From playtester to designer, he’s helped shape the game we love. Join us in thanking Fabio for everything he’s done ..read more
Episode 136: CAGED IN: Step into the Ring with the Designers of the ULTIMATE MMA Fighter Board Game!
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
Game Designers Paul LaPorte and Dan Shurkre talk CAGED IN, a fast-paced 2-player fighting game that has players squaring off in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combat, with Chase from On the Table Gaming and @MikeMeeple. If you are looking for the ULTIMATE MMA fighter board game that is simple to learn but hard to master then the folks at @foamhammergames7668 have you covered!
Caged In launches on Gamefound on March 29th 2023: https://gamefound.com/projects/foam-hammer-games/caged-in
You can watch our video version of this pisodee here: https://youtu.be/Oiek3baP-Rs
Don’t forget to head on over ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
Bob from Sunday Slaughter and Brett Lanpher stop by to discuss the recent 2023 update for A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game. Have you been able to get any games in with the new changes? Let us know what your experience has been!
Check out the War Council App, CMON’s official ASOIAF TMG App for the most recent cards and unit updates! Subscribe for more information about the future of A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game and, in the meantime, we hope you get your miniatures…On the Table.
Don’t forget to head on over to the On the Table Gaming Facebook group! Help us build a positi ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
On the most recent episode of the On the Table Gaming podcast, A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game designers Michael Shinall and Fabio Cury join Chase from On the Table Gaming to talk about the 2023 Update (2021 Season 2 update), recently revealed for A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game. Be sure to check out the War Council App, CMON’s official ASOIAF TMG App for the most recent cards and unit updates! Subscribe for more information about the future of A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game and, in the meantime, we hope you get your miniatures…On the Table. Don’t forget to ch ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
Chase from On the Table Gaming talks with Will Hungerford (Broken Anvil Miniatures) about the new, upcoming tabletop wargame, Rivenstone.
You can find more out about Rivenstone at: Rivenstone Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RivenstoneGame
Looking to pick up an On the Table Tactics Tee? Check out our Merch! https://on-the-table-gaming.creator-spring.com
If you are in a position to do so, consider supporting us on Patreon, your support helps us improve the quality and frequency of our content! https://www.patreon.com/Onthetablegaming ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
The powerful Lee Bokma, creator of HORDES OF POWER, joins Chase from On the Table Gaming to talk about creating and self-publishing games and the colorful and nostalgia-filled island of Prymal (spelled with a y so you know they mean business). After that, stick around for an ASOIAF TMG Coach’s corner with Brett Lanpher where we talk Jon Snow from the Free Folk Heroes Box 3 for A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game!
Looking to pick up an On the Table Tactics Tee? Check out our Merch! https://on-the-table-gaming.creator-spring.com
For more ASOIAF TMG content check out On the Table Gaming at ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
Simon Swan joins Chase from On the Table Gaming for a Bonus Episode of the On the Table Gaming podcast where they give their unfettered (and unstructured) thoughts on A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game, One Page Rules, and the Future of Wargaming
Looking to pick up an On the Table Tactics Tee? Check out our Merch! https://on-the-table-gaming.creator-spring.com
For more ASOIAF TMG content check out On the Table Gaming at the following locations:
https ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
Luke Hartman, Gencon 2022 and US National Champion for A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game stops by to talk with Chase from On the Table Gaming about his experience, tournament prep, and list building, as well as give insights into how to play House Stark for ASOIAF TMG! If you are a beginner looking for help playing House Stark, he has some great insight into the faction.
Don’t forget to check out On the Table Gaming’s Facebook group to share your thoughts on tactics for House Stark in ASOIAF TMG! Help us build a positive gaming community to share our love for wargames, board games, an ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
Brett Lanpher joins Chase from On the Table Gaming to talk about Gencon 2022 and his initial impressions on tactics for the House Martell Commander, Doran Martell Lord of Sunspear. We hope this gives you some ideas on playing Doran Martell in A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game!
Don’t forget to check out On the Table Gaming’s Facebook group to share your thoughts on the most recent faction for ASOIAF TMG! Help us build a positive gaming community to share our love for wargames, board games, and card games: https://www.facebook.com/groups/131015792131411
Looking to pick up an On the Tabl ..read more
On The Table Gaming
2y ago
CMON Game Designers Michael Shinall and Fabio Cury join Chase from On the Table Gaming to talk about the design of the new faction for A Song of Ice and Fire the Miniatures Game, the Martells. The House Martell Starter Set release date is still forthcoming but there is a lot to be excited about!
Don’t forget to check out On the Table Gaming’s Facebook group to share your thoughts on the most recent faction for ASOIAF TMG! Help us build a positive gaming community to share our love for wargames, board games, and card games: https://www.facebook.com/groups/131015792131411
Looking to pick up an O ..read more