Quolling Around
Quolling Around, a blog detailing both adventures around the Australian Continent finding rare wildlife, and, trekking famous long-distance Australian walks.
Quolling Around
6d ago
The red sands of the Gascoyne prove reptile rich while visting two Gascoyne highlights. Welcoming Wooramel and Mighty Mundatharrda ..read more
Quolling Around
3w ago
Carnarvon. a town underrated and underexplored. Those who take the time to dig below the surface will find an area rich in wildife, from burrowing bees, arid-adapted frogs to plentiful reptiles and birds, amid magnificent coastal scenery and rich indigenous culture ..read more
Quolling Around
8M ago
Whadjuk, Yuat, Amangu, Nhanta, Maya Country
It is early 2021 and Australia in common with the global community, was in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, with the West Australian state border closed to the outside world. Disappointed like many with cancelled travel plans, I elected to use the pandemic period constructively.
On bush trips I continually encounter those most Australian of plants the Banksias. Banksias are a plant genus almost entirely endemic to Australia.
There are 79 species (and counting,) of which an impressive 61 species are found in Southwestern Australia. The various ..read more
Quolling Around
8M ago
Minang, Goreng, Wudjari, Njunga Country
It is early 2021 and Australia in common with the global community, was in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, with the West Australian state border closed to the outside world. Disappointed like many with cancelled travel plans, I elected to use the pandemic period constructively.
On bush trips I continually encounter those most Australian of plants the Banksias. Banksias are a plant genus almost entirely endemic to Australia.
There are 79 species (and counting,) of which an impressive 61 species are found in Southwestern Australia. The various spec ..read more
Quolling Around
8M ago
Pinjarup, Balardung, Wiilaman, Kaniyang, Wardandi, Bibbulmun, Minang, Goreng Country
It is early 2021 and Australia in common with the global community, was in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, with the West Australian state border closed to the outside world. Disappointed like many with cancelled travel plans, I elected to use the pandemic period constructively.
On bush trips I continually encounter those most Australian of plants the Banksias. Banksias are a plant genus almost entirely endemic to Australia.
There are 79 species (and counting,) of which an impressive 61 species are foun ..read more
Quolling Around
9M ago
Nyaki-Nyaki, Kalaamaya Country
It is early 2021 and Australia in common with the global community, was in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, with the West Australian state border closed to the outside world. Disappointed like many with cancelled travel plans, I elected to use the pandemic period constructively.
On bush trips I continually encounter those most Australian of plants the Banksias. Banksias are a plant genus almost entirely endemic to Australia.
There are 79 species (and counting,) of which an impressive 61 species are found in Southwestern Australia. The various species flowe ..read more
Quolling Around
1y ago
Growing up in the Northern Hemisphere, a Xmas tree was a dull green pine tree adorned with man-made decorations. In the Southwest of Western Australia a different Xmas tree is found in the baking hot Southern Summer.
Known as Moodjar by the indigenous people of the Southwest, the white settlers of the area referred to it as the Xmas tree on account of the peak flowering period being the month of December (Noongar season of birak.) This tree needs no decorations, itself a brilliant blaze of orange flowers at this time of the year.
It is a worrying omen when this tree flowers early as it has in ..read more
Quolling Around
1y ago
Kaniyang Country
I was contacted by Cheryl in 2022 explaining a group would be visiting Western Australia interested in seeing local wildlife. I had advised staying at Perup Nature’s Guesthouse at Tone-Perup Nature Reserve but this sadly closed prior to their arrival.
The group remained dedicated to visiting Perup and last minute accommodation changes were made accordingly. I was asked whether I would be able to join the group at Perup and so I secured a couple of days off work that worked with their schedule. Perup is one of my favourite places in Australia and I need no excuse to visit!
Cher ..read more
Quolling Around
1y ago
Kaurna, Meru, Banggarla, Nawu, Wirangu, Mirning Country. Adelaide
The journey from Kangaroo Island to Adelaide is a relatively short one and so we arrived in the South Australian state capital early on a Friday afternoon. I had been on the road for exactly two weeks at this point, and it was great to have the food halls, restaurants and shopping of a large city available.
Saturday morning, I visited Botanic Park between Adelaide Zoo and Botanic Gardens. This site adjacent to the River Torrens is home to relatively new addition to the city, a Grey-headed Flying Fox camp. Established in 2010 the ..read more
Quolling Around
1y ago
Nukunu, Banggarla, Andyamathanha Country
Flinders Ranges Way winds up from Port Augusta on the coastal plain, through the foot hills of the Southern Ikara-Flinders Ranges to the historic township of Quorn. The visitor centre at Quorn is located within the picturesque railway station that houses the historic Pichi Richi Railway. Here helpful staff can assist with last minute campgound bookings for both the Ikara-Flinders Ranges and nearby council-run Warren Gorge.
The Ikara-Flinders Ranges contain an impressive array of large macropods of which the Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby is undoubtedly the ..read more