Across The Pond Wargamers
Across The Pond Wargamers is a podcast dedicated to promoting the wargaming hobby across all geographies and ages. Podcasts are of an interview/discussion format centered around topics of interest to the wargaming community.
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In episode 24 we speak with Jason Weiser of Military Miniatures magazine about why certain periods attract more players than others. We discuss our thoughts on why WW2 & Napoleonics always claim the top spots in popularity. Also, which period regularly comes in at number three in the top five periods, what other periods are in the top 5, and why do they fluctuate in and out of the top 5.
Military Miniatures Magazine is conducting a charity auction to benefit the International Rescue Committee which is currently working closely with those displaced by the conflict in Ukra ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode we speak with Jon Yuengling about Naval Wargaming. This show was taped last October but due to some technical issues I am only now able to get this out. When you listen you will hear some major gaps and breaks due to the vagueries of the internet, which I apologize for but I really wanted to get this out since we really enjoyed speaking with Jon. The main technical glitch as a loud screech that ran through the entire taping but thanks to some assistance from Tim Edmonds (a work collegue and technical guru) we were at least able to eliminate that.
Some o ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode Collin and I talk about inspiration; what motivates us to try a period or game. As we hadn’t published in a while and discovered we had an evening free at the same time we decided to get back in the saddle and put out a very rough and not very well thought out episode. We hope you enjoy this episode and excuse us for the lack of preparation as well as my rum inspired fatigue.
Some of the Manufacturers/Publishers mentioned in this episode:
· Empress Miniatures (Empress Miniatures)
· Peter Pig (p ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode we are joined by Michael & James from The Canadian Wargamer podcast and Jay from The Veteran Wargamer podcast as they go head-to-head in our first “pub” quiz. The winning team will have $100 donated to the charity of their choice. The charities being played for are Disabled American Veterans and Soldier On.
Here are the links to the charities mentioned in this podcast should you wish to donate on your own:
Soldier On: https://www.soldieron.ca/
Disabled American Veterans: https://www.dav.org/
Please don’t forget the Great Wargames Survey 2021 ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
This episode marks our return to producing Across The Pond Wargamers after a 6+ month hiatus. During this episode, Collin and Gary have a rambling chat about wargaming, the show, and a few unrelated topics.
We do want to point out that this show is dedicated to my son-in-law and Collin’s brother-in-law; Brian Stolfa. Brian passed away in February leaving behind a wife and 2½ year old son. Brian wrote and performed the intro and exit music for the podcast.
We also announced that each quarter we will be donating any remaining proceeds after BuzzSprout hosting cost ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode we join forces with The Veteran Wargamer podcast hosted by Jay Arnold for a round table discussion on the Ethics of Wargaming. Our guests hail from four different countries each with their own individual views on our hobby. These guests include Editor in Chief of Wargames Soldiers & Strategy magazine Jasper Oorthuys (The Netherlands), the owner of Bad Squiddo Games Annie Norman (United Kingdom), founder of Honour Publishing Sam Mustafa (USA) and professor of medieval literature Ilan Mitchell-Smith (California {We all know California is its own country}).&n ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode we are joined by Andy, Simon, and Matt from the Telford Wargamers Club for a chat down at the virtual pub as a way to kick 2020 good-bye. This is just a rambling chat over beers with the only objective being to talk with old friends about Wargaming
Support the show ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode we are joined by Jay Arnold, creator and host of The Veteran Wargamer podcast to discuss modeling real world tactics in tabletop miniature wargaming.
Some of the Manufacturers/Publishers/Rules/etc. mentioned in this episode:
· The Veteran Wargamer (The Veteran Wargamer Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App)
· Through the Mud and the Blood by Too Fat Lardies (Through the Mud and the Blood – TooFatLardies)
· Price of Glory by Iron Ivan Games ((4) Iron Ivan Games | Facebook)
·  ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
In this episode we are joined by Aaron of Project Wargaming to discuss the magic of 3D printing within our hobby.
Some of the Manufacturers/Publishers mentioned in this episode:
· Project Wargaming ( webpage: https://projectwargaming.com & YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMaJ9WDbUDvuVKUp8TSpvAw )
· Steve Barber Miniatures ( https://www.stevebarbermodels.com )
· Blood & Valor by Firelock Games ( https://www.firelockgames.com/introducing-blood-valor/ )
·   ..read more
Across The Pond Wargamers
1y ago
Episode 14: – The Host With The Most
In this episode we are joined by Harmon Ward, current Secretary and Convention Manager for the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society – Pacific Southwest to discuss hosting games for our fellow wargamers (or newbies) at conventions, shows, the local hobby shop or club, or even at home.
Some of the Manufacturers/Publishers/Rules/etc. mentioned in this episode:
· Baccus 6mm (https://www.baccus6mm.com/)
· Wargamer Collection Calculator (https://collectioncalculator.com/)
·   ..read more