TEACH Magazine Blog
Founded in 1993, TEACH Magazine delivers pragmatic tools and resources to K-12 educators everywhere. TEACH stands as an open forum for discussion supporting good teachers and teaching while promoting innovation in education. Being a teacher doesn't mean you stop learning. TEACH is for you, the professional educator.
TEACH Magazine Blog
2M ago
Education provides context to history, art, depth of understanding, and perspective that some people would not otherwise experience.
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TEACH Magazine Blog
5M ago
A recent conversation with a teacher was illuminating. I was trying to explain how to log on to one of TEACH Magazine’s digital resources and I realized that this teacher expected the process to be far more complicated. When I explained it was really rather simple, she said that teachers are afraid of technology and it was a natural instinct to assume that technology was complicated and would, inevitably, at some point, screw up.
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TEACH Magazine Blog
5M ago
There is bitterness and recrimination in British Columbia as both the government and the BC Teachers Federation dig in their heels on opposite sides of the labour disruption. And disruption is the reality. Calling the dispute a strike conjures the image of only two sides pitted against each other with a minimum of inconvenience to society at large.
The post Opinion: Should Teaching Be Declared An Essential Service? appeared first on TEACH Magazine ..read more
TEACH Magazine Blog
5M ago
Later this month, nearly 200 high school students at Earl Haig Secondary School in Toronto will also be attending class while hungry when they participate in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine on April 25 and 26. Students will go without food for 30 hours to help raise money for World Vision’s food security programs.
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TEACH Magazine Blog
5M ago
Hidden within Asia is a most unexpected jewel of the continent: South Korea. It’s a country not inundated with tourists and it is for this reason that it holds so many unknown gems. South Korea is uniquely paradoxical: amazingly advanced in technology and human resources while many of its ancient traditions are preserved and kept alive through daily life.
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TEACH Magazine Blog
5M ago
When it comes to Korean cuisine, there is one thing you can be sure of, you will be eating a lot of white rice and it will most likely be sticky. One thing I didn’t expect was the variety of ways you can eat rice: every day, at every meal, and not get bored of it.
The post Hope You Like Rice appeared first on TEACH Magazine ..read more
TEACH Magazine Blog
10M ago
Originally published May 2024
This post is sponsored by the Canadian Public Health Association
Contests are a great way to inspire students and enhance their understanding of a topic area. They play a role in motivating students to perform and excel, and offer a lot more reward than just the winning prize. That is why the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) developed and ran a national Grade 6 Poster Contest on infectious disease and climate change for the past four years. This contest was an opportunity for teachers and students to learn more about climate change and the impact it is h ..read more
TEACH Magazine Blog
1y ago
This post is sponsored by Library of Parliament
Originally published March 2024
Governance. Democracy. Citizenship.
Stop for a moment and try to explain these ideas in plain language. It’s hard to do.
You might find yourself stumbling over words like “Parliament,” “elected representatives,” “constituency,” “bill,” “amendment,” “committee” and “caucus.”
Every year, teachers all over Canada must make complex ideas about democratic governance understandable and relatable to students at all grade levels. Knowing the challenges this can present, the Parliament of Canada offers educational resource ..read more
TEACH Magazine Blog
1y ago
This post is sponsored by Microsoft
Originally published October 2023
By Dr. Elka Walsh, Associate Vice President, Learning & Teaching, at Microsoft Canada
The dedicated teachers I speak with every day tell me that students in 2023 are smart, passionate, and empathetic. They also tell me that today’s students are exhausted, overwhelmed and, in some cases, disengaged, three and a half years after the start of the pandemic.
At Microsoft, we recently commissioned a survey with Fuse Insights of more than 500 Canadian teachers and education leaders to assess the challenges that educators are f ..read more
TEACH Magazine Blog
1y ago
Originally published September 2023
This is a sponsored post
The Joint PhD in Educational Studies Program is an exciting journey into research, scholarship, life-long learning, professional growth, self-discovery, and individual becoming. It is an intense exploration of methodological orientation and as Dr. Andrew Allen, the Director of Joint PhD Studies, articulates, it offers “a unique opportunity to develop and foster collegial relationships and friendships that will sustain and energize you throughout your academic studies and beyond.”
According to the OECD, only 1.3% of the world populat ..read more