Ananda Gardens
Ananda Gardens is a diverse, small scale farm, located 10 minutes from downtown Montpelier. Our Mission is to provide healthy food and wellness to our community working in connection with nature, and inspire healthy living. Ananda Gardens is an expression of living a happy life with purpose and mindfulness, always searching for balance and harmony with our nature.
Ananda Gardens
3w ago
It’s a long story! We seeded this lettuce in early September and transplanted it into one of our minimally-heated greenhouses in mid ..read more
Ananda Gardens
2M ago
This holiday season, we’re bringing a touch of humor and a whole lot of flavor to your table with our collection of festive recipes. Each ..read more
Ananda Gardens
2M ago
Wednesday December 4th for Home Delivery and Thursday 5th Welcome to the 1st week of our Winter Share! Appropriately it really feels ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
Let's create a delicious and nutritious weekly dinner plan using your fall CSA farm share. We include whole grains and plant-based ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
This week's CSA share is overflowing with delicious fall produce! Let's dive into some plant-based recipe ideas to help you make the most ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
Tatsoi: A Versatile Green to Try Tatsoi, a leafy green in the Brassica family, is a delicious and nutritious addition to your meals. With ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
We are thrilled to announce our first-ever Winter CSA share ! Starting from the first week of December through the last full week of ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
Here are seven delicious fall soup ideas using legumes and the ingredients of our week 4 of our fall CSA. Hearty Lentil and Winter Squash ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
Here’s a weekly menu starting from Wednesday night, incorporating your ingredients and focusing on plant-based proteins, soups, and warm ..read more
Ananda Gardens
4M ago
Wednesday: Cozy Comfort Bowl Creamy Butternut Squash Soup with a hint of sage and maple syrup, and roasted chickpeas or tempeh Salad ..read more