Clermont Radiology
Featuring articles that have to do exclusively with Radiology. Clermont Radiology offers a variety of outpatient radiological services to meet your diagnostic imaging needs.
Clermont Radiology
2y ago
We have another great MRI machine for claustrophobic patients. Check out our Esaote G-Scan Brio MRI located in our Ocala office!
The G-scan Brio is a revolutionary MRI approach for all musculoskeletal applications, which increases diagnostic accuracy and confidence. The open and tilting design is the new and innovative way of doing MRI in which the position of the patient becomes an integral part of the outcome of the examination. The G-Scan Brio is equipped to image the brain and spine.
Come visit us in Ocala and give us a call to schedule today! (352) 241-6100
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Clermont Radiology
2y ago
Are you claustrophobic? Our Oakley Seaver location has an Open MRI. The Open MRIs are noticeably quieter and are much more comfortable than a traditional MRI. It allows for imaging of the body in a relaxed, flat on your back position.
Call us today to schedule! (352) 241-6100
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Clermont Radiology
3y ago
Have you ever jumped out of bed, excited for your mammogram appointment? Probably not! At Clermont Radiology’s Women’s Center, we have created a soothing, spa-like environment staffed with caring experts, to meet all your Women’s Imaging needs.
By listening closely to our patients, we have identified 3 “must-haves” that create an ideal women’s imaging experience: Comfort, Convenience, and Confidence.
1. Comfort
From the time you walk in to the time you walk out, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible.
- Relax in a private waiting area with a coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.
- Slip into ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
It is estimated that 1 out of every 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Mammography plays an important role in the early diagnosis of breast cancer. One question our technologists are asked frequently is, “What’s the difference between a diagnostic mammogram and a screening mammogram?”
Screening Mammogram
A Screening Mammogram is a routine x-ray exam for women who have not experienced any symptoms or abnormalities with their breasts. It is recommended annually for women as a breast cancer screening tool beginning at age 40. The exam ca ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
Most women begin having annual screening mammograms around age 40. But if you are 55 or older, you may be wondering “at what age can I can stop getting mammograms?” The answer to this question is not the same for every woman, however, there are 3 sources that can help guide you to an answer: The American Cancer Society, your doctor, and your body.
1. What does the American Cancer Society say?
When it comes to age-related mammography recommendations, the American Cancer Society recommends the following…
2. What does Your Doctor say?
No two women are the same ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
Maybe you have recently moved, changed doctors, or have new insurance and now, are going to a different imaging center for your annual mammogram. Either way, the new imaging center will very often request that you provide the images from your previous mammograms. So, why are these prior images so important?
3 Reasons Why your Prior Images are so Important:
1. Looking for Change
When you have a screening mammogram (a routine exam for women who have not experienced any symptoms or abnormalities) one of the things the radiologist interpreting your images will look for is change from your previo ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
If you are a woman age 40 or above, breast cancer screening is or will soon be a part of your annual health checkup. Recently, the use of breast thermography as a screening tool for breast cancer has come into the picture as an alternative to the standard screening mammogram.
Let’s take a closer look… What do experts in the healthcare industry and radiologists recommend?
What is Thermography?
Thermography, also referred to as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) uses digital infrared imaging to identify and analyze temperature variations in the breasts. Unlike mammography, thermography do ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
Once a woman reaches the age of 40, mammograms become an annual part of her life. A common concern may be the risk of developing thyroid cancer due to radiation exposure during mammograms. Some women have even opted to wear a thyroid shield during their mammogram. But is this a good idea?
Ready for the answer???
It is never recommended to wear a thyroid shield during a mammogram and here’s why:
It gets in the way…
A thyroid shield often blocks areas of the breast that need to be imaged. When this happens, your mammogram may have to be repeated without the shield, resulting in additional radi ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) is an exam that estimates bone density in specific areas of the body using special x-ray technology.
Your doctor may ask that you have a DEXA scan in order to:
- Assess overall bone health
- Determine risk for bone fractures or osteoporosis
- Diagnose osteoporosis
Who needs a DEXA Scan?
DEXA examinations are performed most often on post-menopausal women; however, in some cases men and children will also undergo the exam.
What to Expect:
- You will be asked to lie very still on the padded scan table, while breathing normally as the scanner arm pass ..read more
Clermont Radiology
3y ago
Have you ever experienced discomfort or anxiety during a mammogram? You are not alone! Most women who have had a mammogram share this same discomfort. Instead of accepting patient pain as normal or unavoidable, we searched for a solution.
Introducing… MammoPad® Breast Cusion!
MammoPad® is a latex-free, foam pad that is placed on the mammography machine during your exam and thrown away after. Using the MammoPad results in:
- Decreased discomfort by 50% in 3 out of 4 women
- A Softer and Warmer imaging experience
How will MammoPad® affect my exam results?
Decreasing discomfort is not only bene ..read more