Episode 277: Sermon for 9th February 2025. The deeper meanings of daytime fishing.
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
5d ago
Mark explains the deeper significance behind today's reading from Luke 5, verses 1-11 ..read more
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Episode 276: Sermon 2nd Feb. 2025 The many meanings of Love
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
1w ago
Mark explains the many types of Love ..read more
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Episode 275: Sunday 26th Janusary 2025. Sermon, jesus attend a srevice.
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
2w ago
26th Jan 2025. Mark explains the significance of "As was his custom" in Jesus's attendance at the service in Nazareth as described in today's reading Luke Chapter 4, versus 14-21 ..read more
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Episode 274: Sermon 19th January 2025. The significance of water into wine in context of the time.
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
3w ago
Mark explains the cultural impact of the changing of water into wine ..read more
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Episode 273: TimeToTalk 19th January 2025. Where did Luke's Gospel come from
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
3w ago
Mark discusses he likely timing and origins of Luke's Gospel ..read more
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Episode 272: Sermon for January 12th 2025. Baptisms
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
1M ago
Brief history of baptism, and different interpretations ..read more
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Episode 271: Sermon 5th January 2025. This is not a Christmas story
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
1M ago
Sermon for 5th January 2025. Mark describes Bethlehem as it is now, and finishes with a re-written version of 'Oh Little town ..read more
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Episode 270: 29th Dec 2024. Playmobile Jesus.
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
1M ago
29th December 2024. Playmobile Jesus. Use your imagination to see the supporting images ..read more
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Episode 269: 22nd December 2024. Christmas Readings and Commentary
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
1M ago
Bible readings of the Christmas story, with introductory commentary  by Mark ..read more
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Episode 268: No Room for God. Sermon for 15th December 2024
Pitlochry Church of Scotland Sermon
by Pitlochry Church of Scotland
2M ago
No room for God in the Nativity scene ..read more
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