Spirituality & Health
Spirituality & Health Magazine provides inspiration for conscious living, healthy diet and lifestyle, social action, spiritual wisdom, and sustainability.
Spirituality & Health
6d ago
How does your perspective on the afterlife affect how you live your day to day ..read more
Spirituality & Health
6d ago
Physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual intimacy are all important for our collective well-being. So why aren’t we prioritizing them? (Hint: It may be technology ..read more
Spirituality & Health
2w ago
The Morrigan is a fierce goddess who protects her people and the land. Explore how she can inspire us during challenging times ..read more
Spirituality & Health
2w ago
How and where your psoriasis presents itself can give insight into matters of the mind and heart ..read more
Spirituality & Health
2w ago
Our animal chaplain explores sacred words to use when pets are ill ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3w ago
World-renowned life coach Martha Beck teaches how to find liberation from anxiety by embracing curiosity and creativity ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3w ago
Divine masculine archetypes represent powerful ways of being. Learn more about how they may show up in your life and how to work with them ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3w ago
Sound healing is not just a fleeting trend, but a valuable tool that holds the potential to revolutionize our approach to managing pain. A sound healer and former research scientist explains why ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3w ago
An interfaith minister explains how the interfaith movement began and shows what this perspective looks like in action ..read more