Tall And True Short Reads
The Tall And True Short Reads podcast is an audio fiction podcast featuring short stories, blog posts, and other writing written and narrated by Robert Fairhead from the Tall And True writers' website.
Tall And True Short Reads
1M ago
I discovered microfiction when I reviewed Loopholes by Susan McCreery in 2017. By definition, brevity is the key to good microfiction. The stories in Loopholes range from several paragraphs over one or two pages to only three short sentences. With no room for plot and character development, every word must count.
Tall And True Microfiction Anthology is a blog post from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the post on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/tall-and-true-microfiction-anthology
Both Sides of the Story blog post: https://www ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
1M ago
The brief for October 2021's Furious Fiction was to set the short story in a COURT, include a character who measures something, and the words BALLOON, ROCK and UMBRELLA. So recalling Ernest Hemingway's advice to write one true sentence, I wrote, "The policewoman at the front of the Court is trying to catch my eye."
Writing True Sentences is a blog post from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the post on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/writing-true-sentences
Read the Judgement short story on Talll And True: https://www.tallandtru ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
1M ago
Jennifer swivelled her chair away from the laptop and stared at the lights receding into the distance beyond the high-rise office window. Her eyes had welled up reading Stephen's unexpected emailed demand, and she reached for a tissue to dab at the tears. "Twenty years," Jennifer exhaled softly, wiping her eyes.
Decisions is a short story from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/decisions
Podcast website: https://www.tallandtrueshortreads.com
Support the podcast: https ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
3M ago
Teresa's first thing in the morning text message was a punch in the guts. "Sorry, Colin. I love you, but we're on different journeys. Let's stay friends." I blinked twice to clear my eyes and was about to respond, "Are you serious?" but threw the phone against the bedroom wall instead.
Different Journeys is a short story from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/different-journeys
Listen to Episode 84 of Tall And True Short Reads, In Her Head: https://www.tallandtruesho ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
4M ago
If you thought about it, the process for selecting the first matter transference test pilot was archaic, although Mae considered it a lucky omen when she drew the Blue 15 raffle ticket. Blue, not pink, was her favourite colour as a girl, and at 15, Mae had decided she wanted to become an astronaut.
Twin Souls in the Universe is a short story from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/twin-souls-in-the-universe
Read the "What's in a Name?" blog post: https://www.tallandtr ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
5M ago
I'm getting too old for this. My speechwriter's pulse quickens as the PM mounts the flag-decked stage, flanked by senior ministers and mining industry executives, to announce her government's green coal plan. Panned by environmentalists and scientists, polling suggests it could be a vote winner … if the PM nails my speech.
My Speech is a short story from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/my-speech
Tall And True Short Reads website: https://www.tallandtrueshortreads.c ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
5M ago
The local dog club, where I volunteered as a trainer for twenty years, ran season-ending Fun Days with events like Fancy Dress, Agility Slalom, Waggliest Tail, and other novelty races that changed from year to year. One of my favourites was the Sack Race, where my dear old dog and I always placed third.
For the Sake of a Story is a blog post from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the post on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/sake-of-a-story
Read How to "Kill Your Darlings" and Survive the Process by Ruthanne Reid: https://thewrit ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
6M ago
Excuse me, humanity, please pay attention. I have an urgent message. "What? Not in the middle of my reality TV show!" I'm sorry. I'll be brief. But first, a little background. My message concerns the fate of a pale blue dot in the inky expanse of the universe. Beyond its fragile borders is vast nothingness.
You Have Been Warned is a short story from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/you-have-been-warned
Listen to Episode 59, Once Upon A Time: https://www.tallandtrues ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
7M ago
I open my eyes, blink and try to focus on the bright lights set into the white ceiling flying past overhead. I hear beeps and muffled voices. It feels like I'm strapped to a camp stretcher, but it's moving. I'm on a hospital gurney. What happened? I want to ask. But there's a tube down my throat, and I can't talk.
The Light Above is a short story from the Tall And True writers' website, both written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/the-light-above
Read my 2020 blog post about Furious Fiction: https://www ..read more
Tall And True Short Reads
7M ago
In 1987, my wife and I shouldered our backpacks and set off from Australia. The plan was to live and work overseas in England for two years, using it as a base for UK and wider world travels. And the widest of these were inspired by reading books like Alan Moorehead's The White Nile and The Blue Nile.
The White and Blue Niles is a travel blog post from the Tall And True writers' website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.
Read the post on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/the-white-and-blue-niles
Read a post about the nine-month overland journey inspired by travel writer ..read more