119 - So, what really happens if I fail my exams this year? (A pep talk for students and parents)
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
2M ago
In today's episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, we approach a topic in direct response to the fears of some students this exam season... what happens if I fail?  First of all - if you are listening to this in real time, I want to make the obvious point that there is still plenty of time to actively work towards your exam success: Focus Study (in a variety of ways) Believe in yourself  However, whether you are in the middle of exam season and panicking about failure; have completed exams and are worrying ahead of your results... or whether you are listening having received ..read more
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116 - Navigating overwhelm in the busy summer term (Tips for secondary and university students)
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
3M ago
The word "Overwhelm" is used in many contexts and in this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - we are taking about it's definition as having too much to deal with. (Ha - a little but like how I felt when my computer didn't want to save this edited episode due to the disk being too full - Aaaaargh - but I digress!) The timing and topic is inspired by a LinkedIn post from fellow Registered Career Development Professional Elizabeth Lloyd - and of course, here in the world of Your Career And Future and Dive Into Your Career - we are always taking about facilitating the journey from edu ..read more
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115 - Career development in the school and university holidays
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
3M ago
As a school or university student, the term time / holiday cycles mean you have multiple opportunities a year to have greater control of your time.  Whether it's the Easter holidays, summer holidays or any others - these moments provide great opportunities to build your employability skills - skills which ultimately result in you being an increasingly appealing candidate to future employers.  In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, career coach and consultant Gina Visram encourages you to:  Recognise the importance of rest (let's start there!)  AUDIT / sel ..read more
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114 - 5 things holding you back in your career development (and what to do about them)
Dive into your Career
4M ago
Ready for some tough love? Well good... that's what you've got today with this episode which focuses on 5 things holding you back in your career development (and what to do about them).  You my lovely... you are sometimes your own worst enemy when it comes to how you positively move your career forward.  How can that be?  Well... it's because there are certain things you do or attitudes you have which are not conducive to you moving forward positively on your career journey. There are a number of these... and the 5 I mention in this episode are: Perfectionism Lack of clarit ..read more
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113 - What's happening in National Careers Week 2024?
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
5M ago
What's happening this National Careers Week?  National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim of the week is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways. NCW is a dedicated week every year allowing schools, colleges, universities, alternative provision settings and organisations to work towards. It’s backed-up with free high-quality printable, downloadable, digital and ..read more
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112 - Overcoming fears and doubts on your early career journey
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
5M ago
Did you know that sometimes the highest achieving students are the most fearful when it comes to their career journey?  Sometimes this can manifest as disinterest or not wanting to make decisions.  In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, the topic of fear and uncertainty takes centre stage.  How are you feeling about your early career journey?  If you have any worries or fears, what are they? Take the time to name them. It may include fear of: The unknown Rejection Speaking to people  Making a decision Making the wrong decision  Wasting time Was ..read more
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111 - A work experience pep talk for students and graduates (from a career coach)
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
5M ago
If you want to get past the needing work experience to get work experience cycle that exists in the world of careers - this pep talk is for you... In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - you will get a full on work experience pep talk.  I say full on because I started with certain points I wanted to convey to you... and then was on a roll so you now have half an hour of gems, designed to help you re/engage with the process of securing work experience.  In this episode I mention that some people in the early careers space may not agree about the importance of work exp ..read more
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109 - What is GROWTH MINDSET and why is it important in 2024 and beyond?
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
6M ago
What is a growth mindset? Is a fixed mindset or growth mindset better? Why is the word "yet" so magical when it comes to mindset?  In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, Gina Visram takes a look at what a growth mindset is and why it is so important this and every year when it comes to making progress with our goals.  Inspired by the work of American psychologist Carol Dweck, who studies human motivation, this episode is a short, sharp, important reminder of how: embracing a growth mindset  tweaking / changing our language and  praising the process, not ..read more
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108 - How to take the 'blue' out of Blue Monday
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
6M ago
For nearly 20 years, there has been talk of "Blue Monday" - the most depressing day of the year which is said to be the third Monday of the year. In 2024, that is Monday 15 January. Now, you and I know that there is unlikely to be a scientific way to confirm this as the most depressing day. In fact, it was a travel company (albeit led by a psychologist) who first created a campaign about this - with the first Blue Monday being 2005. All of that said, I suspect that one of the reasons why the notion has lingered for nearly two decades is because it resonates. There is something that can feel ..read more
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107 - (Part 3 of 3) BHM 2023 Saluting Our Sisters: 32 awesome UK-connected black (and mixed heritage) women to follow on LinkedIn
Dive into your Career
by Gina Visram
8M ago
It's here! The last of 3 episodes in this series shining a light on some very accomplished women who would likely enhance your feed if you follow them on LinkedIn.  "Saluting Our Sisters" is the theme of Black History Month 2023 in the UK. This has inspired today's topic of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - "32 awesome UK-connected black and mixed heritage women to follow on LinkedIn" (Part 3 of 3). In this episode... I am proud to introduce  the final11 of the 32 women who feature in this series.  Please note... there was no vote. There are no rankings. This isn't even div ..read more
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