The Moment of Truth for Truth
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
Institutions used to own truth. When Galileo Galilei revealed to the world that our planet revolves around the sun, the church declared heliocentrism heretical and sentenced Galilei to formal imprisonment at the pleasure of the inquisition. We can measure the value of communities and society at large by their ability to preserve knowledge and truth and come up with prescriptive and cautionary tales that prevent new generations from learning things the hard way. Institutional truth stabilizes society, but it can also hold it back. 1850, Louis Pasteur put forward that germs spread disease. He wa more
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Karma – The Law of Action And Response
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
Karma is a bit of a sensitive subject since it can hurt and has a ring of punishment or divine revenge to it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Karma means action, work, or deed. It is the law of action and determined response. Responses maintain the equilibrium of closed systems. The Newtonian universe is a closed system, and the law of thermodynamics balances it. Throw a stone and it will land on a spot according to the force you put into the throw. Nature is another closed or balanced system. Grow an apple tree and you will get apples. Kick a dog and it will bite. On this level, karm more
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Practical Enlightenment – A Free Two-Year Email Course
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
How to pursue enlightenment in our modern, fast-paste society? We can’t shut out the external world, sit under a Bodhi tree, and meditate until illumination day. We need to do our enlightenment work in the daily grind. Picture attribution: copyright: fizkes / 123RF Stock Photo Evolution has taken society to today’s scientific-technological state. Agreed, it caused a surge of materialism. But I believe that this is only a temporary twilight in the collective evolution. We were born into this particular time to help society and our brothers and sisters in soul to get through this. Good old times more
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The Dark Night of the Soul – the Technicalities
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
We all have experienced a dark night of the soul. Hitting rock bottom and shattering to pieces, sitting there, sifting through the pieces, discard some, dust and reuse the others, reassemble. We know what it is like – by experience – but we don’t really know how personal doomsday comes about. Too busy dealing with it. I had a closer look at the technicalities and found a few things that I want to share with you. It all begins with the mystery of traumas. The Mystery of Traumas If you google trauma you won’t find an explanation. You’ll find the cause – a distressing event, and you will fin more
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The Heart’s Desire Video Course
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
Holistic self-realization is the realization of your heart’s desire. Why holistic? Because it involves your entire being. Your heart’s desire is the most important thing in your life. Not the most important person, but the most important thing. Or experience. That’s what Steve Jobs meant when he said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” On the Value Chain graph, the realization of your heart’s desire is part of living an inspired life: Your heart’s desire helps enlightenment and completes the soul. We should do both, realize our heart’s desire and pursue enlightenment. Whe more
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Parental Helplessness
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
Eve wipes the sweat that is pearling on Sarah’s forehead. Her six-year-old daughter is mumbling in her sleep and her eyes jerk left and right under closed eyelids. Eve checks Sarah’s temperature for the twentieth time, then the alarm. “Twelve minutes till the next paracetamol.” Eve lies down and hugs Sarah, hoping to lure the fever out of her daughter and into her body. Three years later, at school, Sarah is on stage. She plays the role of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. Eve moves back and forth on her chair and wipes her perspiring hands. She stares at her daughter on stage, hoping to establish more
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The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order by Paul Foster Case
Inspiration and Enlightenment Blog
by StefanEmunds
3y ago
The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order by Paul Foster Case is a biblical work on the subject and a must-read for all interested in the Rosicrucian tradition. Rosicrucianism is the first Christian enlightenment tradition that emerged from the Dark Ages, in 1615, with the publication of the Fama Fraternitatis – the Story of the (Rosicrucian) Brotherhood. The Rosicrucian Order is probably not what you expect. Put aside everything you heard about the Rosicrucians and let Paul unravel the unexpected mystery for you. Spoiler alert: The  Rosicrucian Order is a model of the enlightenment networ more
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