ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
This podcast series is for anyone who wants to look at photography with a different attitude, not just a different f-stop. Ewen Bell and Grant Williams look at philosophical and practical directions to change your photography.
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
Welcome to ReImagine Season 2 with Ewen Bell and Grant Williams. Today we’re talking about curating sets of images. A single image can tell a thousand words, but a curated set can tell the whole story. Selecting your images is a skill that takes practice, plus change how you go about capturing images in the first place ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
Welcome to ReImagine Season 2 with Ewen Bell and Grant Williams. This episode is all about the career side of photography – HOW TO MAKE A LIVING. We look inside the world of running a business and what’s required to move from something you do for love, to something that nurtures you ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
Welcome to the ReIMAGINE podcast with Ewen Bell, and Grant Williams. This week we’re back with Season Two of the podcast and we’re taking a deep dive into the world of bird photography in the city. “Walk With Me” is a new video collection you can watch on ewenbell.com, and walk alongside Ewen as he talks about processing, birds and the art of turning a good walk into great photography ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
Welcome to the ReIMAGINE podcast with Ewen Bell, and Shellie Froidevaux. This week we’re chatting about food photography and how to capture that “one essential food shot”. Normally we record with David Norris, but for this chapter I’ve called in my wife Shellie who is also a photographer, and happens to be an expert when it comes to shooting food. Shellie and I run an annual food photography workshop to teach skills to other photographers and professionals. We also just released our own cookbook in time for Christmas, called Cabin Fever Cookbook, which is 426 pages of Arctic Scandinavia and lo ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
Welcome to the ReIMAGINE podcast with Ewen Bell, and David Norris. This week we’re chatting about “shallow depth of field” and why it’s such a powerful creative tool for photographers. What do you need to make it work, and what hurdles stand in your way to master the art of fine focus? We’ll talk about fast lenses and wide lenses, and where the two come together to make a little magic ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
This podcast was recorded while on the road in Arctic Norway. We want to bring you along to experience the challenge of capturing the Northern Lights deep inside the Arctic Circle where the temperatures are well below zero. Join us for our aurora chase in The Arctic, as we spend two weeks photographing the Northern Lights ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
Welcome to the ReIMAGINE podcast with Ewen Bell, and David Norris. This week we’re looking at a chapter called “Life After The Shutter”, and the idea of getting those images off the hard drive and into the world. Our discussion looks at why the printed image is so much more powerful than the digital, and why this matters in both the camera club and the commercial world ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
This week we’re talking about curation of images. The process of culling, selecting and rejecting your photos is a difficult step in presenting work. The chapter is called “Less is more”, because we seek the balance between too little and too much and most frequently error on the side of too much ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
This episode we’re talking about the IMAGE GAP, and it’s many forms. Sometimes it’s the gap between your skills and your ambition. Sometimes it’s the gap between reality and photography. Often it’s the gap bap between the world you see on social media, and the world we really live in. How do we recognise the gaps, and how do we overcome them ..read more
ReIMAGINE | Philosophies on Photography
3y ago
This week David Norris joins us over the wire to talk about the deeper meaning of art in photography, and capturing with a conceptual foundation. Taking photography beyond the lovely and into the expressive. We start the discussion in Paris, where an annual Foto Fest takes place each winter, as well as a very prestigious “Review” run by a group called LENS CULTURE ..read more