Chronically Holistic
Hi, I am Kate! The face behind Chronically Holistic. I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), a pediatric registered nurse and amateur homesteader. I have a passion for Holistic Health with an emphasis on gut health and nutrition. I have years of personal experience with non-textbook chronic migraines, anxiety, and pain.
Chronically Holistic
1M ago
This is the last full moon of 2024. This one is called the Cold Moon. I always release my fears and self expectations with a full moon. I treat it as a cleansing period every month, and this month is a yearly synopsis. Ask yourself: What fears did you over come in 2024? What fears ..read more
Chronically Holistic
1y ago
I know people are going to be angry and want to blame me. That is okay—just remember, I didn’t purposely lose myself. I didn’t purposely cause pain to others. My marriage was extremely peaceful, beautiful and healing. But as I healed, I realized I needed more that I couldn’t find here. I cannot allow my husband to not feel enough. He deserves to be loved fully, and I am unable to currently do that. We tried you guys- please know I tried.
You will always be in my life and you will always be the one who helped give me life.
I wrote this below post back in the Summer when I came to truth with a b ..read more
Chronically Holistic
1y ago
Let’s just start with the disclaimer, this is not medical advice. That being said, I have seen more doctors than I can count, and this test put me on the right direction in my healing.
Hair Tissue and Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is:
Metabolic Type: the rate shows how quickly your body is metabolizing energy and what macro ratios are ideal for you.
Mineral Status: this shows an overall snapshot of the major minerals in your body and if any are very high or low.
Heavy Metal Excretion: this can indicate if you are being exposed to any specific heavy metals and whether your body is excretin ..read more
Chronically Holistic
1y ago
Just so you know- there is no physical pressure. But as soon as the responsibility feels that it is partially yours you feel it. May it be in form of raising a human or animal, having a job or from feeling judged, we all feel that energy.
It is up to us to decide what is society’s pressure and what really matters.
As a nurse (pediatric on top of it all), I felt an immense pressure to birth in the hospital, vaccinate my kid and follow society’s norms.
But then I remembered, I tried societies way. I went to all the doctors, I took the pills, I had procedures and surgeries…
Where did that leave m ..read more
Chronically Holistic
1y ago
For those of you who haven’t been a long for the ride, my business, my career all started with my blogging my feelings during my pain journey.
This little glimmer of hope that one day I would figure out my pain.
Well here we are, on the other side of it, still battling pain. This time not physical but the raw emotional pain I have been numbed to for years.
Growing up I was always criticized for taking everything too heart. No one intends to do this— but here we are.
Well I did literally take it all too heart. I am emotional and it led me to overthink my life. I now know my personality type (th ..read more
Chronically Holistic
1y ago
We had so many people ask about our itinerary and trip so I decided to write about it here. We traveled in May which is the beginning of their rainy season. We had beautiful weather with short rain storms in the evenings, but it was touristy and an amazing trip.
I recommend a travel book to keep in the car incase plans change. There are a lot of things to do but it isn’t advertised. We used Foders from our local library. Between a book and help from a good friend we planned our trip and it was pretty successful!
We began our trip in Playa Dominicalito which is 4 hrs south of the airport. We e ..read more
Chronically Holistic
2y ago
The food pyramid has changed at least four times since I have been on this planet. Eating ancestrally and real food is always what our bodies have and will always need. Enriched flours, cereals and processed foods have no business in our “food pyramid” or daily lives. The new pyramid is all about money. The creators are recommending ‘profitable’ foods in new food pyramid that have little to low nutrition.
This is the new recommendation floating around and by no ways endorsed or supported by me or my community.
Let’s break down this government recommended “health foods” label:
We will discuss h ..read more
Chronically Holistic
2y ago
I may understand how my bio-individual bodyworks, but I also understand the indulgences of life. I know what my body needs way more than me one year ago, and even more so than three years ago.
I had one of those facebook memories show a photograph of me with antibiotics, steroids, NyQuil, cough syrup and all kinds of things that did more harm than good thar I used to frequently use.
I was (unknowingly) having chronic autoimmune flares constantly. I was visiting many specialists and having useless surgery after surgery and taking medication after medication.
This holiday season I was tempted by ..read more
Chronically Holistic
3y ago
What is organic food?
Organic is a labeling term that indicates food and products have been produced through approved methods. These methods include cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used.
Because of thee restrictions organic foods are higher in nutrients, antioxidants, omega 3’s, lower in nitrates. These foods contain no artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, toxic metals, genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
In order for a food to be labelled organic, the p ..read more
Chronically Holistic
3y ago
Author: Kate Zink at Chronically Holistic
Sadly we’re no longer eating the wheat that our parents ate. To be able to keep up with the amount of grain we eat in our diet it has been genetically modified to become drought-resistant, bug-resistant and faster growing wheat. It’s estimated that 5 percent of the proteins found in these modified types of wheat are new proteins that were not found in either of the original wheat plants. This is hard for our bodies to recognize and digest and are part of the problem that has lead to increased systemic inflammation, widespread gluten into ..read more