EIA 071 Morten Damgaard Andersen “Leadership Perspectives: Navigating Multicultural Environments
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
3M ago
Morten Damgaard Andersen Watch the Video Podcast here Morten Damgaard Andersen talks on “Leadership Perspectives: Navigating Multicultural Environments,” in this podcast and also available as a video podcast Morten as a seasoned leader shares insights on emotional intelligence, effective communication, and cultural competence in diverse workplaces. In this episode, we explore how self-awareness contributes to a leader’s emotional intelligence. Morten has over 25 years of experience in Asia’s dynamic business landscape, and emphasises the importance of understanding one’s own emotions, strengt ..read more
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EIA 070 Goh Sok Koon Insights: Unveils the Role of a Company Secretary
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Goh Sok Koon Goh Sok Koon is a company secretary a vital role in any business in Singapore. I am fortunate to have met her as she has been extremely helpful to me in getting my business up and running. Even before that, I was trying to get her to appear here on this podcast. By her own admission she has been reluctant, preferring like many people to work diligently in the background of the many businesses that she is a part of. But as a business founder of her own, specifically Lioness Corporate Services, and additionally as she plays a more active role in business groups she is a member of sh ..read more
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EIA 037 Entrepreneur Events: The Organiser, The Experienced and The Newbie
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Güneş AltunGüneş, Chris Dawson and Norrapat Shih (L-R top to bottom) Güneş AltunGüneş, Chris Dawson and Norrapat Shih are three attendees that attended a recent event in Singapore. Güneş AltunGüneş is a Director of Marketing, Chris Dawson is a Director of Business Development and Norrapat Shih is a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore. The event was organised by the Business Development Society of Singapore. The first conversation is with Güneş AltunGüneş, who is a cofounder and organising member of the Business Development Society of Singapore reveals about herself and some of ..read more
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EIA 036 Supplier and Client Fighting for the Seller Part II
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
FocusDigit Team Shubham Barat, Anushka Singh, Anchal Gupta and Vipul Srivastava are four of the staff members that work with Abhinav Sharma the CEO and Tanisha Chawla the COO, of the startup FocusDigit. An eCommerce platform that provides sellers with end-to-end solution to reach their customers online across multiple channels. In the previous podcast “Supplier and Client Fighting for the Seller” (EIA 035) Abhinav and Tanisha discussed FocusDigit and if you haven’t listed we suggest you do. All six live and work in Dehli, India and represent the growing number of entrepreneurs that are buildin ..read more
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EIA 035 Supplier and Client Fighting for the Seller
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Abhinav Sharma & Tanisha Chawla   Abhinav Sharma is the CEO and Tanisha Chawla is the COO, entrepreneurs of the startup FocusDigit. An eCommerce platform that provides sellers with end-to-end solution to reach their customers online across multiple channels. Abhinav and Tanisha live and work in Delhi, India and represent the growing number of entrepreneurs that are building companies successfully out of India to challenge on the world stage. During the conversation Abhinav and Tanisha reveal what makes them a successful team, based on their knowledge and experience with a touch of hum ..read more
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EIA 034 Experience and Opportunity Creates the Training Solution
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
JC Sekar JC Sekar is a cofounder of the startup AcuiZen. A startup that is looking at simplifying training and empower a dynamic and dispersed workforce. JC as he is know has after a career that spans 3 decades in the corporate world decided to take the plunge and become an entrepreneur. This is based on the belief that a career interacting and working closely with customers across different sectors and geographies has enabled him develop the skills to uncover unstated pain points. To then create and conceptualise solutions and produce new service offerings. During the conversation JC revels h ..read more
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EIA 033 We Launch in Three Hours!!!
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Adeesh Agarwal Adeesh Agarwal, is the founder of the startup dKreator, a furniture marketplace personalised to a buyers preferences. It applies data science to connect buyers ‘likes’ to a sellers products. Its aim is to get buyers to collaborate, discover products and social proofs, manage their budget and buy the product using its online platform. Adeesh has diverse experience in many roles and by following his path you can see how the dots connect architecture, real estate and healthcare, which lead to him becoming a consultant and then a Business Development Advisor, the final stepping ston ..read more
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EIA 032 The Challenge: the Entrepreneur Who Makes the Hotel Industry’s Environmental Sustainability Real
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Muriel Boutin-Becuwe Muriel Boutin-Becuwe, is a Co-founder of PAPAYAPATHS and Originator of the H3Rs Giveaways Program, a business focused on environmental sustainability and social impact. Muriel previously worked for Schlumberger in North and South America, Europe and Asia, learning a great deal in her various roles. Now an entrepreneur based in Singapore we spoke together a few weeks before the official launch of the PAPAYAPATHS web platform. During the conversation Muriel reveals part of her journey and what it takes to bring her vision to reality covering many aspects of the ent ..read more
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EIA 030 Design Passion Leads to Creative Business
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Amy Picanço Amy Picanço, Is the Managing Director and Founder of Aym Designs. An interior design startup based in Singapore. At heart Amy is a creative but is just as passionate about the business aspects of running a startup. This insightful and balanced approach is the key to why Aym Designs is making steady consistent progress in the Interior Design Industry and after only three years has already started expanding into other Asian markets. “If you are going to start your own business you have to realise that you are starting a business, and no matter what I think the business that you are i ..read more
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EIA 029 WordPress to Improve Business; The Mobile Friendly Website
Entrepreneurs in Action
by nj_mckenzie, AsiaBizStories - Neville J. Mckenzie
1y ago
Mark Kay Mark Kay is the CEO and Founder of MJ Creative Ventures; a company that specialises in providing mobile friendly, SEO optimised websites for Small Business owners and non-profits. This is a follow on from the previous podcasts where we discuss how small business owners can develop their websites in order to improve their business. In this episode Mark takes a look at the making a website mobile friendly and helps us to understand better some of key features and terms that newbies should be aware of. What is a mobile friendly website Does my website need to be mobile friendly What are ..read more
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