What Happens if You Wait Too Long for Your Car Oil Change?
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
were sold in Alberta in August alone. We know how satisfying it feels to breathe in the new car smell for the first time. Let's dive into this further and discuss just how important an oil change service really is ..read more
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Warning Signs It's Time for a Car Air Conditioning Repair
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Not sure where to start? Below are some warning signs that your car needs air conditioning repair ..read more
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5 Signs Your Car Needs a Muffler Repair
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Read on for five important signs that it's time to let a professional mechanic take a look at your muffler. - they're also essential to your car running properly and reducing its emissions. And, driving with damage to yours could result in costly fines or tickets, sap your engine's power, and lead to unnecessary air pollution ..read more
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5 Tire Maintenance Tips That Might Surprise You
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Don’t wait for your tire maintenance light to come on; carry out these simple tire maintenance tips now to ensure you remain safe. occur every year because on snowy or icy roads, having the correct tires is vital. So, what can you do to prevent yourself from joining this statistic ..read more
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4 Pro Tips for Your Car Maintenance During Winter
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Here are four pro tips for your car maintenance during winter ..read more
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4 Sure Warning Signs It's Time to Replace Your Muffler And Exhaust
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Regardless of the origin, qualified professionals can quickly identify muffler problems. If you suspect your car has an issue with its exhaust system, use the guide below to determine if a repair or replacement is necessary ..read more
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4 Signs I Need an Oil Change
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Your engine oil is one of the most important fluids in your car. Maintaining your oil is one of the single best things you can do to ensure your engine’s consistent performance. You don’t need to work in an auto repair shop to know that Calgary experiences extreme temperatures in both the summer and winter and these temperatures can affect how your engine operates. In particular, these temperatures can affect engine oil. Knowing exactly when you need to get your oil changed can be confusing, so here are five signs you might need an oil change ..read more
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Why Proper Alignment Is Important for Your Car
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
It doesn’t take much to nudge your car out of alignment. Hitting a pothole, getting in a traffic accident, and normal wear and tear are all enough to take a toll on your vehicle’s suspension and steering components. Unfortunately, a car that’s out alignment increases the risk for tire damage and accidents when you’re on the road ..read more
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When Should I put my Summer Tires On?
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
They say that you can’t reinvent the wheel, but that isn’t always true. Modern car tires are some of the most advanced technology in your vehicle. Having the right tires for the season, as everyone in Calgary knows, can make a huge difference when it comes to you and your loved ones’ safety. But which tires are right for you, and when do you change them? Here are a few things you should know to make sure you have the right tires ..read more
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How to Perform a Tire Safety Inspection?
South Pro Automotive Ltd. Blog
3y ago
Tires are an essential part of your vehicle, and if not maintained properly, they can lead to fatal accidents. You should regularly inspect them for proper inflation, tread depth and sidewall condition. Performing a quick check before starting a trip can keep you and your family safe on the road ..read more
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