ZaggoCare Blog
The Zaggo blog provides easy-to-follow tips to help patients get the best healthcare and outcome possible. Our posts cover a wide variety of topics, all aimed at helping patients and family caregivers more easily manage any type of illness or injury.
ZaggoCare Blog
15h ago
A diagnosis of heart disease brings a series of challenges, including emotional stress and the need to make lifestyle changes – for patients and their families. Managing medications and developing a healthier lifestyle can be a long, difficult process. Supporting a family member with heart disease can make it easier for him/her to manage the various important life changes. Additionally, you can help your loved one keep his/her spirits up by keeping an eye on the bright side of life ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
1w ago
It’s a very emotional time when a loved one goes into hospice. Whether the need for hospice has been obvious for a long time, or the need rose suddenly, it can feel overwhelming and sad. Not only is it hard to see a loved one nearing the end of life, but caregiving for a hospice patient can also be emotionally and physically demanding, especially if your loved one receives hospice care at home ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
1M ago
Enteral feeding, also known as tube feeding or gavage, delivers nutrition directly to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Importantly, feeding tubes play a crucial role in the health of patients who cannot swallow food, liquids, and/or medications due to various medical conditions, including swallowing problems and/or difficulty absorbing nutrition. Feeding tubes, used for short- or long-term assistance, pump nutrition in liquid form directly into the gastrointestinal tract, providing vital nutrients, hydration, and medications. This post will make it easier for patients and family caregivers to ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
1M ago
No one wants to ask this question. But here you are, wondering if it’s time to consider moving a loved one with dementia into a care home. If you care for someone with dementia, you have seen the small things, maybe a word missed here or there, or a cup of tea in the wrong place. Perhaps you have told yourself, “We can handle this.” And for a while, you likely could. But dementia grows, it presses, it rearranges lives ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
2M ago
Hearing that you need a specialist referral can be unsettling. Suddenly, you’re dealing with new doctors and various procedures that can be hard to navigate. This can make you feel anxious about what happens after you receive a referral. Who will handle your care? How long will it take? Is my insurance going to cover everything? These concerns can add to the stress of managing your health. However, understanding the doctor referral process can remove all this confusion ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
3M ago
Dementia is a destructive illness that affects millions of people around the world. It can be very challenging and complex for those with dementia and their loved ones. Hospice care for dementia patients can address the needs of patients and their families, making this difficult time a bit easier for everyone.
Read below to learn more about hospice care for dementia patients: what it is, when it’s time to consider hospice, the benefits of in-home hospice care for dementia patients, and more ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
3M ago
Did you know that some patients can get their IV medications at home? Or are you already getting IV infusions at home? Certainly, home-based IV infusions are considerably more convenient than going to a hospital or clinic. But do you know the home infusion therapy risks and rewards? How can you reduce your risk of harm? Should you consider receiving treatments through infusions at home?
What is home infusion therapy?
When you undergo infusion therapy, you receive drugs or biologicals (a therapeutic substance derived from biological sources) through a needle or catheter inserted into your arm ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
4M ago
No one likes the idea of staying in the hospital. It can feel scary and lonely. Plus, you face exposure to germs and a lack of privacy. Fortunately, some patients can now get hospital care at home through hospital at home programs.
Before we dive into getting hospital-level care at home, it’s important to understand the different kinds of medical care you can get at home. Basically, there are four kinds of medical care you can receive at home:
Home health services for which a healthcare professional comes to your home to help you manage a chronic illness or injury ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
4M ago
Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to travel to a doctor’s office for medical care? What if you could recover from an illness or injury at home instead of staying in a hospital? Interestingly, in some cases, you can receive a wide range of medical care services at home. Home health care is usually less expensive, more convenient, and can be just as effective as care you get in a hospital or skilled nursing facility ..read more
ZaggoCare Blog
5M ago
Managing chronic fatigue syndrome can feel like a constant challenge. The origins of the condition are unclear, there’s no definitive test for diagnosis, and effective medications to alleviate the fatigue are not available. The combination of pain, exhaustion, and uncertainty can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness.
However, one aspect you can take charge of is actively seeking strategies to manage your symptoms.
You might be thinking, “That’s easier said than done.” However, we are here to offer support ..read more