EP 29 - Fear and Desire
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
5d ago
Epic Gamer Moment.After fending off wild animals, we join the leftovers in a room with a very old-style computer. On the monitor, the words "The Game" glow in green against a black background. The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde Infinitum (Played on Cyberpunk Red) and a TON more bonus episodes, PDFs ..read more
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EP 28 - Riddles at the Cabin
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
1w ago
The Leftovers vs Fuzzy Little Beasts. As the leftovers emerge from their confinement, they find themselves in a wooded clearing with a lakeside cabin. Small critters scurry around the area, hiding where they can. Do these animals hold the key to understanding what's going on here ..read more
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EP27 - Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2w ago
The Blind Leading the Dumb. Meanwhile, somewhere in Prime Existence 13, we find ourselves with the leftovers as they awaken in closed cells. With their memories hazy, the last thing they remember is being summoned to a wizard's tower. Will the leftovers manage to escape their confinement? And what is the motive behind this trickery? The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠⁠ Ca ..read more
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EP26 - It's All Over But the Crying
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
1M ago
Truth Is, the Game Was Rigged From the Start. With the battle nearly over, the crew sends the army to mop up the remaining drones. Only one massive mech stands between Junktown and victory. But something Grant said in the last episode still isn't sitting well with me. The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde I ..read more
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EP25 - Sixteen Tons
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2M ago
War, Huh, (Good God) What Is It Good For?? The assault intensifies as the Grung carrier relentlessly launches more drones. The massive tank locks onto Junktown and charges its cannon while the crew boldly charges down its barrel. The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde Infinitum (Played on Cyberpunk Red ..read more
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EP24 - I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2M ago
The Crew Goes to War.. And War Never Changes. Today is the day we've all been preparing for. The Grung drones arrive and the defense of Junktown begins! Say your prayers because war is hell. The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde Infinitum (Played on Cyberpunk Red) and a TON more bonus episodes, PDFs, art ..read more
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EP23 - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2M ago
The Crew Meets the Chubman. Susana continues her journey across the wasteland while the players roll for random encounters. Nobody better roll a 3 on one of these next checks; if they do, the blame for whatever happens will surely fall entirely on them. The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde Infinitum (Playe ..read more
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EP20 - Nobody's Fault but Mine
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2M ago
The Crew Gets Stoned. Running low on time to prep for The Battle of Junktown, the crew barters for some new wheels and hits the dusty trail, but danger lurks on the road. What challenges await our heroes beyond the horizon? The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde Infinitum (Played on Cyberpunk Red) and a T ..read more
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EP18 - Whispering Grass (Don't Tell the Trees)
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2M ago
The Crew Gets Their Fortunes Told. This week, the crew meets Patty, a mysterious and reclusive druid who is the caretaker of the only remaining forest on this moon. Patty asks to use her divination magic to gain a better understanding of our heroes by peering through the threads that bind them. What will she see beyond the veil? The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign ..read more
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EP8 - What's Your True Name?
The Homebrew - A D&D Play Podcast
by Space Opera Actual Play
2M ago
The Crew Plays One for You One for Me. After making their way back to the boat the crew has to decide their next move. Nugget is surprised by an unexpected visitor cueing the crew to ask her a million questions, leading to a round of the game of truths. The Homebrew crew is Grant Mielke, Andi Hadfield, Cody Smith, Emily Foulger, Mike Kennel, John Caley, and Tyrell Nye. We are currently engaged in our 3rd campaign: Beneath the Cracked Sky! You can support the show at ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/TheHomebrew⁠⁠ Campaign 1: Absurdism and a Millenium Abroad and Campaign 2: Retrograde Infinitum (Played ..read more
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