ELPO Law Attorney J.A. Sowell Secures Half Million Dollar Settlement for Injured Father
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
J.A. Sowell In the early spring of 2021, Jeff Kincaid** was enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon in Kentucky on his motorcycle when he was unexpectedly and violently struck by the driver of an SUV. The SUV was stopped at a sign while waiting to turn left on a four-lane road. Jeff was traveling westbound on the four-lane road when the driver of the SUV negligently pulled out in front of him and crashed into his motorcycle. The severity of the impact caused Jeff to be thrown off the motorcycle. As a result, Jeff suffered a skull fracture, facial fracture, right ankle fracture, and right shoulder ..read more
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Legal Update: Paraquat Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
LEGAL UPDATE: ATTENTION – Agricultural workers who were exposed to the herbicide Paraquat and have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease Paraquat is a widely used herbicide in the United States for the control of broadleaf weeds and grasses before planting or emergence of various crops, to control weeds in orchards, and to desiccate plants before harvest.  Paraquat, commonly known by the brand name Gramoxone, is a restricted-use pesticide only available for use by certified applicators due to its high level of toxicity.  Paraquat is so dangerous that it is either banned or phased o ..read more
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My Vehicle Was Damaged in a Wreck… What Do I Need to Know?
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By Kyle Roby, Partner Kyle Roby English, Lucas, Priest and Owsley, LLP All too often I get calls from people who have been rear-ended by a distracted driver. Most of the time, when no one was injured with only damage to the vehicle, there is not a need for a personal injury attorney like me to get involved, but I am always happy to provide information on how one should proceed after being rear-ended and provide a warning for potential pitfalls that may arise. What often complicates matters is when the person that rear-ended the vehicle does not have insurance, leaving the person who got hit ..read more
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Will The Insurance Company Pay for My Injury if the Wreck is My Fault?
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
What is disputed liability and what impact does it have in the state of Kentucky? By: ELPO Law Attorney J.A. Sowell (jasowell@ELPOLaw.com; 270-781-6500) Disputed liability is a term used by insurance companies when negotiating bodily injury claims made against their insured after there is an injury resulting from a car wreck. Insurance companies want to limit the amounts of money that they must pay out to injured parties. One way to accomplish this goal is by disputing that their insured is at fault in what occurred ..read more
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What You Need to Know About Safe Driving During Winter Weather
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By ELPO Law Attorney Jessica Shoulders According to the Federal Highway Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), each year, 24 percent of weather-related crashes occur on snow, slushy, or icy roadways, and 17 percent of all vehicle crashes occur during winter conditions.  With winter approaching, it is important to know what you can do to reduce your chances of being involved in a winter weather related crash and what to do if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being involved in one. Snow and ice reduce pavement friction and vehicle man ..read more
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Five Things You Need to Know After a Car Wreck
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By Kyle Roby, Partner Kyle Roby If you follow ELPO Law on social media (facebook.com/ELPOLaw; @ELPOLaw) or subscribe to our ELPO eNewsletter (click here to subscribe), you are familiar with articles with tips on how to protect your family with car insurance or what happens if you are involved in an accident involving an Uber driver. For most people who are involved in a car wreck, however, it is either their first accident or they have no idea on what happens next. Here are five things that you need to know after being involved in a car wreck ..read more
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Car Insurance: Is My Family Really Protected?
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By J.A. Sowell, Attorney J.A. Sowell Reprinted from SOKY Happenings article 4.30.20 Picture this – it is Monday evening. You are driving down Campbell Lane with your two children in the backseat headed to grab a quick dinner after soccer practice. As you approach the intersection with Scottsville Road, you have the green light. Then, out of nowhere, a pick-up truck unexpectedly tries to turn left in front of your vehicle. Despite going the speed limit and paying attention to the road, there is nothing that you can do to avoid the collision. Boom! The pick-up truck rams into your vehicle, cau ..read more
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Attention Owners of Golf Carts, ATVs, or Trailers: Are You Prepared?
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By Bob Young, Managing Partner Bob Young Over the last couple of years, I have represented clients significantly injured as the result of accidents caused by a golf cart, ATV and a trailer that came loose from a truck. In each case, one of the major hurdles was proving that the person who caused the accident had coverage under either their homeowners or automobile insurance policies. For those who caused accident, they risked not being covered and thus subjecting themselves to a large payout that could have devastated them financially. GOLF CARTS As warm weather approaches, I have noticed a ..read more
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Are You a Parent of a Teen Driver? This is a Must Read.
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By Kyle Roby, Partner Kyle Roby According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. As a whole, the majority of crashes that involve teen driving are due to lack of experience and poor decision making. For example, with so many rear-end car accidents occurring, it stands to reason that teen drivers may have been distracted when this happened or had a delayed reaction time due to lack of experience. Moreover, teens may also have a heightened ..read more
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What Should I do if I’m in an Accident During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
ELPO Law Blog
by English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley LLP
3y ago
By Bob Young, Managing Partner Bob Young If you have been involved in an automobile, truck or any other kind of accident, it is very important not to delay your treatment. Doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals are all operating under strict guidelines due to COVID-19, however many are adapting to get you the necessary treatment you need after an accident. Numerous medical practices are allowing telehealth appointments where they can conduct your visit online via webcam. It’s as simple as using your phone, smartphone or laptop with a shared link to conduct your exam ..read more
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