Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
Welcome to the Comedi Nerd Podcast! I'm a stand up comedian and in this podcasts I interview Canadian comedians and people in the industry about the challenges and rewards of their creative lives, with an in-depth look at comedic influences, joke writing, and the realities of the industry. I love the fascinating conversations I have with other people in the industry. I also believe that in..
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“I don’t care if people aren’t laughing for a minute and a half because I know where I am taking them to.” ~Virginie Fortin
Here's my conversation with comedian, improviser and actress Virginie Fortin! In this 12th episode we talk about terrifying yourself, crafting jokes, TROP, improv, Stuart Lee, her famous pop Bernard Fortin , one liners, British Comedy, believing in yourself, Mes Sentiments and how it’s evolved, the Edinburgh Fringe, SNL Quebec and more!
Coming from the world of improvisation, Virginie Fortin won the grand finale of the show En route vers mon premier gala. She then launche ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“That’s the only way to win. Get out of your comfort zone, try new things.”
~Eddy King
Here's my convo with Eddy King Zoofest in the very cool Mixi Bus Studio! In this 10th episode I talk to Eddy about hosting his first Juste pour rire Gala with Richardson Zéphir, Big Brother Célébrités, joke writing, rap & stand up, his TIN TIN in Congo routine, playing in both languages, Michel Grenier's words of wisdom, comedy for soldiers, towing the line with edgy subjects and more.
In 2007 Eddy King was crowned “Coup de Cœur” in the up-and-coming category of Le Festival Juste Pour Rire (Just for Lau ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“I’m making it for myself.”
-Annie Deschamps
In this episode I speak with comedian & teacher Annie Deschamps. We talk about marriage, divorce and sexual revolutions, bringing comedy to her students, mental health challenges, her new book, her breakthrough with the ridiculous, being raised by an iconic couple, things getting too dark, living with an unsupportive husband, doing comedy in her mom’s Xmas show, Marianna mazza’s early career, l’ecole d’humour with two kids, her dad’s routines & more.
Annie Deschamps is a comedian in both languages (with only one in her mo ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“I’m always adjusting. I don’t think I’ll ever going to be like: Done!”
-Kyle Brownrigg
In this episode I speak with comedian Kyle Brownrigg. We talk about his love of Comedy albums, being born into a society that is not for you, expanding word play, misdirection, surprise, the character he writes for, PC correctness, Club owners and feedback, Being sober, therapy, mental heath and not looking like beattle juice anymore, Laugh whores, Howl and Roar, societies expectations and perceptions of gay men & more!
Kyle is a Canadian Comedy Award winning comedian who has taped various ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“I acquire to be fearless.” ~Martha Chaves
In this episode I speak with comedian & activist Martha Chaves. Martha talks about several subjects including her early rebellious years in Nicaragua, Charlie Chaplin rip offs, coming out to herself, Carol Burnett in Spanish, the titanic effort of comedy in a second language, recording sets, writing with Kenny Robinson, not being ready and saying yes anyway, feminism, stepping away from twitter fights, the good bad and ugly of cancel culture and more!
Martha Chaves is a Nicaraguan-Canadian comedian, actress, activist and playwri ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“Any success I have had is because I have been able to cut certain things out of my life completely.” Ali Hassan
In this 6th episode I talk with comedian & radio host Ali Hassan. Ali talks about a variety of subjects including catering nightmares, creating a life he never imagined, falling in love with comedy, early radio days at Dawson & Champlain College, Canada Reads & Anne McKeagan the host whisperer, becoming comfortable interviewing big name celebrities, an embaressing moment in front of Mats Sundin, the return of the notebook & Social media inspiration from ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“The only one responsible for what you get and don’t get is you.” Kate Davis
In this fifth episode of COMEDI NERD, I talk with Keynote Speaker, Stand Up Comedienne & Podcast host Kate Davis about early day “Headcutting Sessions” with Kenny Robinson in the 90’s, writing her first keynote and believing your own shit.
A speaker, writer, comedian and actress, Kate Davis is a twelve-time nominee at the Canadian Comedy Awards and star of her own hour-long comedy special on CTV and the Comedy Network. Theatrically trained in England, Kate returned to Canada to a successful run on Can ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
“My legacy will be how I changed the comedy industry.” Johanne Britton
In this fourth episode of COMEDI NERD, I talk with Johanne Britton bilingual social media consultant, strategist and publisher. Jo talks about being a proud comedy nerd, Comedian Pete Zedlacher signing her boob and her passion for The Mob's Press & The Canadian Association of Stand Up, Sketch and Improv Comedians.
Johanne is the co-founder and President of The Mob's Press. The Mob is a marketing and promotions company dedicated to helping Artists and Cultural Producers. Jo helps artists from all walks of life by ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
"I'm the idiot in the situation but I'm cool with it. Let's laugh about it." Pantelis
In this third episode of COMEDI NERD I talk with Comedian, Podcaster, Trend Setter & Chair Enthusiast Pantelis. Pantelis talks about his many comedic influences, imposter syndrome, wise words from David Acer at The Comedy Nest, viciously funny friends and almost quitting stand up forever before meeting best bud Mike Ward.
Pantelis has been described as offensively hilarious. His cadence and wit combined with his complete irreverence for political correctness make his shows a memorable experience. As a re ..read more
Comedi Nerd with Rachelle Elie
2y ago
"I talk about what I think about...I talk about what I have and what I know." Steph Tolev
In this second episode of COMEDI NERD I talk with comedian, writer & actress Steph Tolev. Steph talks about starting over in LA, building her first stand up hour, Top Comic / Siruis XM, her experience at Just For Laughs, almost getting an American pilot, her work with Deb DiGiovanni, troll men, going independent in Canada, viral videos, luck, doing what you love, Barb on the barge, Sarah Silverman, being gross, how hosting helped her find her voice and a bunch of other cool stuff. Just a ..read more