Victoria Terrinoni
I'm Victoria. I followed my Air Force Chaplain, now retired, around the country for 31 years. I am passionate about military spouses, writing about my experiences, being a grandmother of four, and Chicago Bears football!
Victoria Terrinoni
2y ago
I’m taking the month of July off from this blog, social media, and my newsletter so I can spend time with family, friends, and traveling. I’ll be back in August. Until then, Vicki more
Victoria Terrinoni
2y ago
Dave visited the Comoros Islands during his deployment to Africa more
Victoria Terrinoni
2y ago
Honoring military children one last time during the Month of the Military Child more
Victoria Terrinoni
2y ago
Friday is Purple Up Day, the day we all wear purple to honor our military children. It is a day for everyone in the nation to show support for the sacrifices these children make, including frequent moves, deployments, new schools, new friends, and new communities. Military children often feel the same stressors as their parents more
Victoria Terrinoni
2y ago
Many books are available to help military children. See a list on my new blog post more
Victoria Terrinoni
2y ago
Tech Sergeant was supposed to deploy very soon, but now that is on hold. I can only imagine what my daughter, Mrs. Tech Sergeant, feels. I’m sure she is happy and relieved that he is home longer, but he is not off the hook yet, so I’m also sure she is anxious, wondering when the more