PPX305 Simple Evangelism Strategy
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1M ago
Evangelism is the bottleneck in disciple making and the absence of personal evangelism is the bottleneck in evangelism in general. Here is a simple strategy to begin engaging in personal evangelism ..read more
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PPX 329 Released From The Expectations of Others
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
4M ago
Do you struggle with the opinions of others either from the past or those who are currently in your life? What does it look like to be released from their expectations ..read more
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PPX313 The Internet Timer Trick
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
4M ago
Here is a simple idea that has helped me, and could probably help you, with sleep, energy and productivity ..read more
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PPX327 Anatomy of Adultery: Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
A message on the causes and consequences of adultery, as described by Solomon in the early chapters of Proverbs. This talk also suggests some preventative commitments to prevent adultery, as well as a reminder of the more-than-sufficient grace of God ..read more
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PPX 325 Disciple Making Discoveries
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
Are we overcomplicating disciple making ..read more
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PPX274 So My Holidays Are Toast
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
My wife and I will not get an extended time off this summer. Here’s why it’s going to be okay ..read more
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PPX272 Video Sermons: How to Prepare, Record and Host Your Sermons
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
Here are some lessons and tips from the front lines of producing sermons for virtual church ..read more
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PPX269 The Pivot No One is Talking About
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
All kinds of “pivots” being recommended and discussed in these days. Here’s one that I think we’re missing ..read more
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PPX267 What’s Your Default Hammer?
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
When you face a crisis or challenge, there is a tool or skillset you will naturally draw upon in order to deal with that crisis. But is it the tool that is needed ..read more
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PPX324 Is Trading an Option for Bi-vocational Ministry?
Priority Pastor X
by Daren Wride
1y ago
There are many ways to try to make ends meet in a bi-vocational lifestyle. Is trading crypto or stocks a viable option ..read more
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