Birla Vedic Center Blog
The Birla Vedic Center, dedicated to helping individuals experience the wisdom of the Vedas to transform their lives with Vedic palmistry and astrology.
Birla Vedic Center Blog
4M ago
Rachel was in a slump. The young physiotherapist’s dedication to work and devotion to clients had created a flourishing business. “I was the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave—now I couldn’t care less,” she confided. “Since breaking up with my boyfriend nothing matters to me. I barely have the energy […]
The post Hora and Hand: The Dynamic Duo appeared first on Birla Vedic Center ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
5M ago
If you have ever wished to be the absolute best version of yourself, Guylaine’s new Jupiter program is for you. Why? Because Jupiter is the area of the hand that embodies the finest of our human traits and qualities while connecting us to the divine spark that exists within us all. According to the rishis—the […]
The post Why Should You Sign Up for Guylaine Vallée’s New Jupiter Program? appeared first on Birla Vedic Center ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
10M ago
Excerpt from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge: Open your Heart to Love, Joy and Happiness
By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée
Saying it’s never too late to experience love is one thing, really believing it is another—especially if we’ve had our heart badly broken in the past, or are holding onto grudges, guilt, anger or regrets. These emotions can follow us through time just as love can.
Negative emotions blocking us from becoming more loving can seriously slow our spiritual evolution and the journey of the heart—so we must find the best and quickest way to rid ourselves of them once ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
11M ago
Oh! Oh! The Vedic New Year Starts with a Total Solar Eclipse
By Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée
Eclipses are very potent symbols of world events and astrologers have always placed great meaning upon them. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, causing the Moon to cast a shadow on Earth. A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, causing Earth to cast a shadow on the Moon. Lunar eclipses occur when a Full Moon happens near a lunar node. Solar eclipses occur when a New Moon happens near a node. In Vedic astrology, the nodes of t ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
11M ago
By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée
March is a beautiful month as it holds a lot of hope with the end of winter and the return of Spring. But in addition to a shift in season, March is a mystical month full of profound events supercharged with spiritual energy. It begins on March 7th with the Mahasamadhi of Paramahansa followed with Shivaratri, the day of veneration for Lord Shiva, which this year falls on the 8th, and the Mahasamadhi of Sri Yukteswar on the 9th. On the 17th we celebrate the Day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and the 19th marks the feast ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
1y ago
By Vedic Palmist Guylaine Vallée Excerpt from The Mars Program: Embracing Your Inner Warrior
It is easy to get bogged down obsessing over the actions of others, especially when we perceive they are treating us unfairly or with hostility or aggression. However, we should not absorb that negativity and let it roll off us. We have to keep calm and carry on, pursuing our goals and dreams with focus, kindness and poise. In doing this, we are allowing the freedom for karma to play out, recognizing that everyone evolves at their own pace, learning from their own mistakes. In other words, if so ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
1y ago
By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée
In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect love, we must progress through “Five States of the Heart.” Successfully passing through each state brings us a step closer to our goal of perfect love, a step closer to clearing the clouds from our heart, and a step closer to the power of the infinite within us. Sri Yukteswar writes: ‘If we are able to cultivate this powerful ruling force of love implanted in our heart, we will be free of the unhappiness from the pain and pleasur ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
1y ago
by Vedic astro-palmist Guylaine Vallée
As you are probably aware, the 12 signs of the zodiac form a 360-degree wheel that encircles our planet. Each sign represents 30 degrees of that circle and each planet in the astrological chart travels through all 12 signs at its own pace.
The planet Uranus has been travelling through Aries since 2016 and has now reached the 29th degree, which is the very edge of a sign. The 29th degree is referred to as “Sandhi”, which means “connecting place”, as it marks the transition zone between two different signs and the houses they occupy.
Sandhi is where these ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
1y ago
By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée
Few astronomical phenomena are as impressive as an eclipse. Eclipses can be very potent symbols of world events and astrologers have always placed great meaning upon them.
An annular solar eclipse will occur Saturday, October 14th, beginning at 11:03 am and ending at 4:55 pm EDT.
An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the center of the Sun, leaving the visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire”, or annulus, around the Moon. Both the sun and moon will be together in the same sign of Virgo in the intense nakshatra Chitra ruled by Mar ..read more
Birla Vedic Center Blog
1y ago
An excerpt from the The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge By Guylaine Vallée, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer
There is no greater source of energy than our heart and its capacity to love. The study of the heart line is our guide to understanding and developing this powerful force. Studying the heart line allows us to see how our feelings influence our personal happiness and the happiness and harmony of those around us. By understanding and monitoring the development of the heart line, we will learn about our personal approach to love, how we can grow and improve it, and how we can make it last.
Let ..read more