What is Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness?
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
What is Yoga? Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It is a holistic system that aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root "yuj," which means "to yoke" or "to unite." Yoga seeks to unite the individual self with ..read more
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Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
  Happy Full MoonThis Full Moon in Gemini greets us @ 11:08 pm EST this evening. Mars is now at its most visible in our skies, look for this beautiful celestial body right next to the Moon. I have yet to capture this picture. (Fingers crossed the clouds will dissipate by this evening)The message it delivers ..read more
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Week of Feb 23 – March 2/22 Astro Forecast
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
Good Day Cosmic Hearts ?, We are now in Pisces season.  Happy Birthday Pisces!  The energies have shifted from our intellectual mind into our intuition, motivating us into the depths of our feelings and connecting us into our more intuitive self. The month ahead calls us to progress into a more present, mindful space ..read more
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Astrology Forecast for the week of December 8-15, 2021
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
This week, we are still riding the cosmic wave of the New Moon Eclipse asking us to trust our intuition and cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. We are being called to embrace our personal power and accept ourselves fully and that which we seek. It’s an energy of stretching our horizons ..read more
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Navigating the waves of the Month
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
New Moon in Scorpio @ 12° Navigating the waves of the Month We are well under way into our scorpionic flavors and into the energies of this eclipse season. We have all had a tremendous year in the way of our lives review and sudden changes and shifts. This month is no different. This ..read more
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Reflective Path to Our Truth
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
Inner Truth and Integrity Happy Full Moon in Aries @ 27° The Full Moon energy is a culmination of what we set intentions for on the previous New Moon, in this case it was in Libra, but it can also be the culmination of the last New Moon in the exact same sign, which in ..read more
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Full Moon in Capricorn June 24, 2021
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
A TURNING POINT Today’s Full Moon marks the achievement of what began back in January. Was there a thought, a project, a vision, an intention that was created six months ago? This is where we will see it come to fruition. This Moon marks the ending or the letting go of this energy that ..read more
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Full Moon In Sagittarius
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius May 26, 2021 We are once again reminded of this year's theme of Change and Freedom with the Moon and Sun at 5 degrees. Eclipses generally represent revelations and we are in the 5th month. What may be revealed may end a karmic cycle.  We have the largest Super ..read more
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New Moon in Taurus May 11, 2021
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
Art by @jensfineart New Moon in Taurus ♉️ blessings! This Moon ? comes with the number 11 energy. Our South Node(who we are ancestrally) and our North Node (what we want to grow into for liberation) are at 11 degrees, as well as, Mars (our desire/drive), therefore it is safe to say you will ..read more
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New Moon in Aries April 11, 2021
Joy Sole Vitality Blog
by admin
2w ago
New Moon in Aries April 11, 2021 How will you be harnessing and cultivating your fire? Sun and Moon at 22­° in the sign of Aries. In numerology, the number 22 represents the Archetype of Peace, invoking this necessary energy. It is a particularly good time to dive into making a change or to ..read more
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