Music on the Move
News and notes by Music on the Move.
Music on the Move provides early childhood music classes for families, schools, and daycares in the Cedar Rapids area.
Music on the Move
3M ago
Music at Cedar Valley Montessori School
Sing, play, and move with Ms. Lisa. We will explore songs, instruments, rhythms, pitch, and movement through a variety of musical styles.
Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 pm.
Sign Up for Music Class!
New Families: Create an Account
1. Fill out the form to create your account.
2. Check your email/spam for your password
3. Come back to log into Parent Portal & choose your class.
Returning Families Sign Up for Class
Choose the first Thursday 2:30 pm CV Montessori Music from the calendar
Click “Register”
Pick your stu ..read more
Music on the Move
1y ago
Ukulele Classes for Everyone! Learn to play the Ukulele - No musical experience necessary.
Music on the Move is offering a series of Ukulele classes in cooperation with the City of Hiawatha. You will learn the basics of ukulele chords, strumming, and melody. You’ll come away with several songs under your fingers and the ability to figure out more on your own.
Sign up Now!
Tween & Teen Ukulele Class
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays
July 31, August 2, 4, 7, 9, and 11
5:50 – 6:30 pm at the Hiawatha Community Center
101 Emmons St #1610, Hiawatha, IA 52233
$120 for all 6 class ..read more
Music on the Move
2y ago
Music Class at Toddler Play Cafe Friday, June 17
Bring your lunch (or not) and then enjoy music class with Ms. Lisa! 11:00 am Lunch 11:30 am Music Class
Get Tickets
This event is $15 per child. Join us for 45 minutes of music and play while we explore songs, instruments, games, rhythms, chants, pitch, movement, sign language, and a variety of musical styles. Lisa is the owner of Music on the Move – an Early Childhood Music instruction company, and a board-certified music therapist with years of experience.
BIG KID POLICY:Your older kids are welcome to come to ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
Baby Sing & Sign February 2022
Learn to Sign with your Baby
– Improve communication & decrease crying!
Register Now
Registration Open Now for February 2022
11 am Saturdays: February 12, 19, and 26, 2022
$60 for the workshop includes all three classes and the book,
Baby Sing and Sign: A Play-Filled Language Development Program for Hearing Infants and Toddlers, by Anne Meeker Miller, Ph.D.
Register Now
Baby Sing and Sign is equal parts sign language, play, and music.
This three-week course will teach you basic sign language to communicate with your hearing baby or todd ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
♬♫ Notes and News from Music on the Move! ♫♬ Trains Theme on Nov 3
Wednesday Class
November? It’s November! Before we jump into Turkeys, we are going to do a little traveling – by TRAIN!
Join Lisa for a train themed family music class this Wednesday, November 3 at 10 am. Be sure to register in advance. Just log in and select your class.
Saturday Class!
Are you looking for a Saturday class? Join Lisa on the Second Saturday of each month. (December’s class will be on the 3rd Saturday… because, well, it’s the holidays!)
Saturday, November 13 at 10 am
Saturday, December 18, 1 ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
Family Music Class is Moving Indoors!
It’s finally happening! We are moving INSIDE for music classes!
Register for Class
THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me, enjoyed a class, shared with a friend, donated, signed up for virtual lessons, or even simply made music with your kiddos during the past year+. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel! My family is fully vaccinated, and it is finally time to move music class inside. It will be so nice to have a regular schedule, a classroom with doors (to allow for safe exploration), and air conditioning!
Every Wednesd ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
Summer break is upon us! Summer means schedule changes, so be sure to check emails and Facebook for updates!! Family music classes are still outside for now, and scheduled based on the weather forecast. I hope to move inside with a regular schedule near the end of June. Stay tuned! For now, register for one of these upcoming classes:
Join me for Virtual Class:
Saturday, June 5, 10 am Virtual via Zoom. Virtual class attendance has been way down, so this could be the last class. We’ll see how it goes!
Donate at Paypal.me/MusicOnTheMove (no paypal ac ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
Virtual Family Music Classes
It seems we are still in a quasi-quarantine due to the Coronavirus. I hope to bring a little bit of joy and respite to you and your little ones. So, until we are able to return to life as we knew it, I will hold family music classes online.
Today I changed the Zoom link that we had been using, and I enabled a very fast registration to increase security. We’ve all heard of Zoom Bombing lately, and we definitely don’t need our littles to see any of that!!
Donations gladly accepted.
Click the class time below to register via Zoom ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
Music on the Move is expanding!
Music on the Move is excited to announce the addition of a family music class on on the Southeast side of Cedar Rapids! Starting June 13, 2019, we will hold family classes at Harmony School of Music , 3415 Mount Vernon Rd SE, Cedar Rapids IA 52403.
We are thrilled to embark on this new partnership with Harmony School of Music. If you have ever considered Suzuki lessons for your child, or yourself, check them out at https://www.harmonycr.org.
Thursdays at Harmony School
Family Music Class. Perfect for you ..read more
Music on the Move
3y ago
Music on the Move family music classes
have moved to Unity Center of Cedar Rapids. 3791 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE, Cedar Rapids IA 52402. Click for directions.
I am excited for our new location at Unity Center. I hope to see you there soon!
Easy to find. I380 to Blairs Ferry Rd
Large classroom – bring your friends!
Easy Access. No stairs.
Large parking lot ..read more