9 Tips for LEARNING FRENCH + Meet my Boyfriend!
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Edwina Koch
3y ago
Hey friends!  It’s been awhile :) But I am so glad to be back. If you are interested in an APOP internship and managing our instagram account please send us an email at aupairohparis@gmail.com  I recently uploaded a video this week to talk about what I’ve been up to! Check it out by clicking here. In it, I tell the story of me leaving Paris, finding true love and then moving back to Paris!   click on image to see the video on YouTube! https://youtu.be/RDowxXtLTwE I know so many of you have just arrive here in France and are thinking about learning the French ..read more
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Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Edwina Koch
3y ago
FAMILY “F” - 1955 Who: 3 kids (4, 6 and 12) Where: Paris When: ASAP Au pair housing: annexe dans le jardin attenant à la maison, around 3 babysitting per week, la famille souhaite accuellir pour la première fois une jeune fille au pair anglophone ou bilingue anglais. Fluent in English. “Nous aimons cuisiner, et recevoir, aller à la montagne et à la mer hiver comme été !” FAMILY “P” - 1951 Who: 2 boys (3 and 1) Where: Lille When: Mars prefer a male au pair, communicative, single bedroom with a shared bathroom, €90 pocket money, bon anglais ..read more
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3 Ways To Bond With Your Host Family
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Pairs! One of the greatest perks to au pairing is creating a meaningful connection with your host family. A great way to build a solid and trustworthy relationship with the family can be formed by choosing to bond with your host family. Bonding allows you the opportunity to truly get to know the host parents and host kids on a more personal level, and more importantly it gives your host family the chance to learn more about you as a person and not view you solely as an employee, but better yet an honorary member of their family. In no particular order here are 3 ways to bond with your h ..read more
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5 Free Things To Do In Madrid
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Pairs! As au pairs money can be tight! We don’t always have the money to spend on that extra cappuccino from your favorite café or spare change to buy tickets to events. But, luckily there are always free events, galleries and museums to check out if you look hard enough! This is especially true if you’re au pairing in Madrid! After having lived in Madrid for nearly a year I’ve been lucky enough to do and check out so many events in the city without breaking the bank! Here are 5 free things to check out in Madrid: 1.Free Walking Tour Of Madrid Free walking tours are a must do whenever y ..read more
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Au Pairing for A Newbie Family Vs An Experienced Family
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Paris! As you’re browsing families to au pair for this summer or the next academic year you might just come across an array of family profiles belonging to both experienced au pair families and newbie au pair families who have never had an au pair before! As you make a list of your most favorite family profiles it’s important to consider the advantage and disadvantages to au pairing for either family. I’ve been an au pair to both types of families and have garnered a list of positives and negatives to both family types that I will share with you! Here are 2 pros and cons for au pairing ..read more
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3 Ways To Cope With Reverse Culture Shock
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Pairs! One of the hardest aspects of the au pair experience is saying goodbye. You’re not only bidding adieu to your au pair family, and friends but to your life in your host country. It can be a difficult transition to return back to your “regular” life after having undertaken an entirely new life abroad. Personally, I had an extremely difficult time dealing with reverse culture shock when I returned to my country after spending a year away from home. I felt as though many people couldn’t relate to my struggle and I had no one to turn to in this time of deep distress. This blog post is ..read more
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3 Ways To Be A More Mindful Au Pair
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au pairs! Life as an au pair can be quite the frenzy! More often than not you’re constantly on the go, running after the children, playing non-stop and in some cases prepping meals in addition to other duties. It may seem some days that the world is passing you and you can’t delight in the simple joys that you anticipated to come from your au pair year. Fear not because it’s not too late to learn to become more mindful during your au pair journey. Practicing mindfulness can allow you to enjoy more of the little moments which can make a huge difference. In no particular order here are 3 way ..read more
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Top 3 Reasons To Become A Summer Au Pair
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Pairs! The summer-time is one of the best times to au pair! It not only gives you something exciting to do over the summer, but it also allows new prospective au pairs to dip their toe into the world of au pairing. Instead of committing for an entire academic year, you can try it out for a summer and then decide if you’re ready to commit for an entire year! I’ve exclusively au paired over the summer in over three different countries and have enjoyed all my experiences! In no particular order here are the top 3 reasons why you should au pair over the summer: 1.Inexpensive Way To Live Abr ..read more
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Top 5 Podcasts For French Learners
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Pairs! As previously mentioned in my 5 Easy Ways To Become Fluent in French post, one of the best ways to improve your French, or any language for that matter, is through listening to podcasts! Podcasts are an excellent way of training your ear to understand a foreign language, plus you can adjust the speed to your liking! Start off at half speed and then speed it up to full speed once you are comfortable enough with the language. I’ve listened to many podcasts since the beginning of my French language journey and want to share some of my most favorite and helpful ones with all of you ..read more
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5 Francophone Artists You NEED to Listen To NOW
Au Pair, Oh Paris Blog
by Nelli Orozco
3y ago
Hey Au Pairs! One of the best ways to learn a new language is through music! It's a great way to further develop your listening skills and practice the phonetics of the language through singing! As a student I took a phonetics class and one of the most fun activities we would do in class was sing Spanish music together in order to practice producing sounds in the Spanish language! So, why not download some French music to improve your language skills? In no particular order here are 5 French speaking musicians you need to listen: 1.Vendredi Sur Mer Charline Mignot, better known as Vendredi Sur ..read more
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