The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast navigates life and faith after the evangelical church. A safe place for believers, believers no more, and believers holding on by a thread, The Recovering Evangelical gets honest about the American evangelical church.
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
1y ago
The ladies went back and listened to the first episode of the HERetics. Listen as they talk about how they've changed since then and what they would tell that version of themselves. Also, viewer/listener questions answered on the air!  ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
2y ago
This isn't a story about gender and sexuality. It's a story about clarity and the lack of it at Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, Ohio on those issues and others.
The story continues on this episode with Crossroads' stance on race relations, their efforts for racial reconciliation and equity while maintaining a mostly white environment, and how all of that seems to relate to their sudden firing of an employee ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
2y ago
Leaving evangelicalism isn’t the cure.
Sometimes, we’re quick to leave evangelical theology and pronounce ourselves FREE while still engaging in evangelical ideological frameworks that are harmful.
Join the ladies as they discuss their own experiences with exvangelical assholery - when they were the assholes and when they weren’t - and how we can unpack ALL of evangelicalism, not just the theology ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
2y ago
For all the things I can speak to on the podcast, being a parent during/after deconstructing isn't one. Sharing some wisdom from her book, Bringing Up Kids When Church Lets You Down, Bekah McNeel sat down with me to talk about navigating parenthood after the evangelical church.
Bekah: www.bekahmcneel.com
Bekah's book: https://tinyurl.com/3rcmhfrk
Become a Patron of TRE: https://www.patreon.com/Therecoveringevangelical
  ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
2y ago
Join the ladies for a holiday episode as we talk about expensive Christmas productions in churches and how the church treats money and staff around Christmas. Of course a holiday episode also featured a lot of talk about innapropriate things and a drinking game - this IS the HERetics after all! Merry Christmas! See you in January!  ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
2y ago
This year for Halloween, the ladies talk horror stories in the Bible, Halloween candy conspiracy theories, and which HERetic had to be escorted out of a haunted house halfway through. Take a guess who? :)  ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
2y ago
Oh hey! We forgot to upload this! So you're getting September and October on the same day. YOU'RE WELCOME! :)  ..read more
The Recovering Evangelical Podcast
3y ago
Taking a 1 week break from season 4 interviews to reshare our Easter After the Evangelical Church episode from season 1. Things like Easter can be hard after leaving the church or even still in the church but struggling with what that looks like for you.
I hope that this episode brings you peace as you navigate this holiday weekend.  ..read more