Fresh Exchange » Garden
I'm Megan Gilger from the Fresh Exchange, and I want to show you how to grow an organic garden. Find posts on garden, natural living, backyard chickens, and healthy recipes through the seasons in Traverse City, Michigan
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Naturally, controlling squash bugs may be one of the biggest challenges for gardeners. In this blog post, I will teach you how to get rid of squash bugs naturally and without chemicals.
Squash bugs are one of my personal enemies in the garden. Surprisingly I find these pests to be one of the worst and hardest to handle in the garden as a natural gardener. Over the years, as I have watched many pumpkins, zucchini, Hubbard, and other squashes become demolished by these pests, I have learned some key tricks that really make a difference in controlling them.
Squash has a tendency to h ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Cabbage worms and cabbage moths can create real issues in your garden, and you may be wondering how to get rid of cabbage worms because of the destruction they cause. It will bring you a lot of relief to know that it is simple and easy to organically get rid of cabbage worms and cabbage moths from your garden.
Cabbage worms and moths are among the pests I hear about the most from other gardeners. These green caterpillars quickly develop and can ravage the leaves of any and all brassicas plants. This would include broccoli, kale, turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, collards, and Bru ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Aphids may be one of the most devastating pests in a garden that can easily go undetected for long periods of time in the garden, but there are natural ways to get rid of aphids. Getting rid of them involves one very simple and smart solution you may not have considered. In this post, I will detail how we keep our aphid population low and in check naturally without any intervention.
Though aphids can devastate the garden, these small but mighty bugs may also be the easiest to manage with a few simple and smart solutions. Aphids are also known as plant lice, greenflies, or garden lice. T ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Your garden is somewhere you work hard on, and the last thing you want is to have it decimated by deer. This means you must have a plan to build or construct a garden fence that will keep out deer and other pests from your garden. I would suggest looking at this post on the Top Tricks to Deter Deer From Your Garden, but in this post, you will find some inspiring fence ideas that will naturally integrate into the landscape around you. These fences will be easy to construct and are options for cheap garden fencing.
Why Build a Garden Fence?
Building a garden fence is a great way to do a f ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Having a thriving vegetable garden requires careful consideration of many factors, including soil, water, sunlight, and nutrients. One of the most important elements of a successful garden is the fertilizer you choose. The right fertilizer can provide the necessary nutrients needed to help plants grow and produce a bountiful harvest. In this blog post, I share the best fertilizers as an expert gardener. We will explore the best fertilizer to use in a vegetable garden and discuss the benefits of each choice.
Different Types of Fertilizers Vegetables
Choosing the best fertilizer for a vegetable ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Having a thriving vegetable garden requires more than just planting seeds and providing water and sunlight. A healthy and thriving garden also needs to be fed. Fertilizers supply essential nutrients to vegetable plants, ensuring their healthy growth and bountiful harvest. In fact, using organic and nature-derived fertilizers is the best and easiest way to maintain a healthy garden, along with consistent compost application.
In this blog post, we will cover the topic of when to fertilize your vegetable garden and explore the factors influencing fertilization timing. Learning the va ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Growing your own basil can be a rewarding and flavorful experience. This versatile herb adds a touch of greenery and natural beauty to your space while providing a ready supply of fresh leaves for your favorite recipes. Basil also provides many benefits to your garden as a companion plant for deterring bugs. It grows well with tomatoes in a companion planting method. I love growing basil of all types, and it isn’t too hard, but there are some key things to know to have success. Learn more about different basil varieties and care in this post about my favorite basil varieties.
In this bl ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Broccoli is a favorite to grow in most gardens. It is a favorite vegetable of many people, but it can be challenging to grow because of one little culprit; the cabbage moth. The green larvae caterpillar gets on your brassicas or broccoli, creating havoc everywhere. In this post, I will tell you how to avoid Cabbage Moths better without spraying but instead using Companion Planting methods to deter them from your plants.
What is Companion Planting?
First, we must understand what Companion Planting is before we even begin to use it.
Companion planting is the method of pairing plants ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
Pumpkins are one of the most prized crops in a garden. With their large size and gifts at the end of the growing season, they feel like the ultimate reward to a diligent gardener. If you are thinking of growing your own pumpkins this year, it is so important, no matter where you live to understand the timing for planting them and the best practices to consider for a successful harvest. Many would like to have pumpkins to decorate for Halloween, so understanding this timing is key! In this post, I will give you all the info you need to grow your own pumpkins, whether for your porch for decorat ..read more
Fresh Exchange » Garden
1y ago
A shed is a great way to bring storage, function, and interest to your yard. The idea of a shed is a fun way to create space to create outside too. They are a versatile addition to any outdoor space, providing storage, workspace, and even a place to relax and unwind. There are so many different types, designs, and features to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this list of some of the sheds that inspire us.
This post will cover different types of sheds and what we love about them. This should help you narrow in on what you are looking for ..read more