Fall Foliage Frustration? Here’s Why Your Colors Might Be MIA ?
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
Hope you’re enjoying this crisp fall weather but you may be wondering why you aren’t seeing the colors change like we are used to? I took a few rides up through the White Mountains the past couple of weekends and the foliage was lackluster to say the least! It has certainly been an interesting few years for our plants; between last year’s drought, the mild winter and cold snap and the overabundance of rain this whole year.  All of these factors have played a part in stressing your plants.         Drought- this caused many trees and shrubs to drop their leaves early la ..read more
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That’s a Wrap- Well Not Quite I Suppose
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
Fall greetings! As we get closer to wrapping up the fertilization season we start to think about our wrapping season- not Christmas presents but your plants! Shrub wrapping isn’t the only way to protect your plants this winter, our services include deer netting and anti desiccant sprays to evergreens as well. We refer to all these services as Winter Protection (WP). WP for your plants helps prevent: Desiccation (drying out) of the foliage which leads to winter kill Browsing deer that can cause extensive damage to many types of plants Snow and ice damage Plants are expensive- very expensive ..read more
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Battling Pythium Blight: Your Guide to a Flourishing Lawn
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
  In the realm of lawn care, especially when faced with sticky weather and persistent dampness, maintaining a lush and lively lawn can pose a real challenge. But fear not, because we’re here to partner with you, offering insights and solutions to ensure your lawn remains vibrant and robust. Among your lawn care challenges, Pythium Blight emerges as a formidable adversary that requires both awareness and action. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Pythium Blight, unveiling its symptoms, exploring effective treatment strategies, and equipping you with the knowledge n ..read more
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Red Thread making it’s appearance- What is it? Helpful info!
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
Due to the current wet weather, we expect to see the appearance of Red Thread in our area very soon. This is a common fungal disease that affects cool-season grasses, typically when temperatures range between 40-70 degrees Fahrenheit and the lawn stays wet for extended periods. When it appears, it presents as red or pinkish patches in the lawn. While fungicide applications can help to eliminate Red Thread, they are not recommended. The disease is purely aesthetic and will not cause any lasting damage to your lawn. The next application of fertilizer, containing nitrogen, will help to push out t ..read more
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The after effects of last years drought
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
As we enter the spring season, we wanted to provide an update on the condition of lawns in the area. After last summer’s drought, we were cautiously optimistic about the recovery of lawns heading into the fall of 2022. However, we have observed extensive dead patches throughout the region this spring, and we wanted to share some information about what has caused this issue. The mild winter that we experienced did not provide the necessary snow cover to protect lawns that were already stressed going into dormancy last fall. As a result, winter winds dessicated or stripped moisture from not just ..read more
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The 3 legged stool that is your lawn
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
Wait, what? My lawn is a 3 legged stool?- Yes and we’ll explain that in a moment. This spring we are seeing a massive amount of drought damage from last year and we wanted to explain what is happening with your lawn. We work hard to help you attain a perfect lawn every treatment, but, it’s important for customers to have realistic expectations about lawn care. Despite our best efforts, there are many natural factors that are beyond our control and yours. Turf care is much more complex than just a treatment. Turf grass is a living plant that is affected by the environment, weather patterns, pe ..read more
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The Benefits of Professional Lawn Fertilization
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
If your home needs lawn fertilization, you may be considering all kinds of options. From choosing a commercially available product to figuring out how to fertilize on your own, figuring out the best choice can be overwhelming. At Green Sphere, we’re here to help! Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of choosing professional lawn fertilization for your home’s yard.   You Don’t Have to DIY While gardening and regular maintenance can be enjoyable for some people, lawn fertilization is a completely different experience. From preparation to ensuring that your products are healthy and ..read more
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Why Invest In Organic Lawn Care?
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
If you are a homeowner, you likely work hard to care for your home so you and your family can stay safe, comfortable, and happy in your space. Whether it’s choosing high-quality food, using natural cleaning products, or making environmentally-friendly choices, homeowners make lots of choices that help protect their homes and families from harmful chemicals. When it comes to lawn care, you can make the choice to invest in organic lawn care to ensure that your family, home, and the environment are all protected from harsh chemicals and contaminants. Here are four top reasons to invest in organic ..read more
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Fall Services Special Offer
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
Organic Tick & Mosquito control- Sign up for our October application services and receive 15% off the service this year AND lock in pricing for the next season! Combat the rising inflation  and lock in at today’s rates on organic tick and mosquito control to eliminate next year’s price increase.   Fall is when the nymph Deer Ticks become adults, so by reducing the tick population in the fall via this spray, it prevents them from laying eggs in the spring.  This is one ounce of fall prevention versus  a pound of prevention cure in the spring after the eggs hatch.&nb ..read more
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Green Sphere July Newsletter
Green Sphere Blog
by Chris Imlach
1y ago
Lawns are already showing signs of drought stress, and the typical summer heat is right around the corner. Our fears for another dry summer are appear to be coming to fruition. In times of stress such as this, you will start to see your lawn turning a light tan/straw color which indicates the grass is starting to shut down and go dormant. These localized dry spots will need to be watered in order to hold them in their dormant state to avoid a more dire situation.  Recovery to a healthy green is a very slow process, but here on some steps you can take to avoid a lawn renovation in the fal ..read more
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