Remain with Him
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
“So they remained for a long time, speaking boldly for the Lord, who bore witness to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to “be done” by their hands.” Acts 14:3 As we leave the conference and I reflect back on the experience I had and the ways I encountered the Lord’s beauty, love, and presence throughout the day I’m left pondering what it means for me to let this experience feed a deeper conversion and commitment to the person of Jesus and what I received from Him. As we go forth from our experience at the conference we are invited into a deeper way to the works and wonders th more
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Not My Will
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
*Trigger warning: Miscarriage* “Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” Luke 22:42 These words of Jesus happen to be one of my favorite prayers. It’s a prayer that I have repeated many times when I find myself going through suffering of my own. For some reason it brings me consolation to know that even Our Lord, in His perfect goodness, cried out for His suffering to end. Even He wasn’t begging for more of it! But…BUT…He welcomed it knowing it was the Father’s will. That’s the hard part, isn’t it? Welcoming suffering. It r more
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In Love…
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14   I had a little epiphany the other day. One of the greatest go-to pieces of Mom advice hasn’t made it from my head, down to my heart… Can’t stand laundry? Pray for your kids with every shirt you fold! Hate doing dishes? Offer it up as a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving for all the mouths you have to feed!  I (head) know this to be housework-changing advice, but my heart just hasn’t bought in. I don’t like walking into the kitchen and seeing the in my face to do list. I see it and immediately groan, and- feel sorry for myse more
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Proclaiming “Be Done” in All Things
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
And Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 It was a beautiful, spring day in Colorado; not a cloud in the sky and the sun shining brightly. I was headed home after taking our second child, Claire, to her 6-month well-child check. With her and her older brother Aaron in the backseat, we happily drove home in anticipation of our play date and mommy time with my best friend and her children, who were the same ages as ours. As I pulled into our driveway, Leeanne and her children were waiting for us. Aaron and Claire screamed with more
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Behold…I Stand at the Door and Knock
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” (Revelations 3:20)   I was living my best life as a junior in high school when my parents told me we were moving to Memphis, Tennessee. My dad had lost his farm implement business 6 years earlier during the 80’s farm crisis. At that time, he mentioned the possibility of moving, but had since found stable employment, so I thought moving was off the table. The small, quaint Kansas town I had grown up in was all I knew since the age of 4. I felt a lit more
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Behold…The Lamb of God
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
Let’s go back to March. Back to when schools shut down and our children were forced back on us from the hours of 8 to 3. To be completely honest, I’m nowhere near the top of the Best Moms list. We have five boys ranging from 3 to 11 years old and I love them, I do. But- you tell me I’m going to have to be with my kids 24/7 during the week until the month of ??? I’m gonna lose my mind! Then out of nowhere, toilet paper turns to gold, the Thunder game is cancelled right at tip off and Trump comes on to address the nation to take us into full on pandemic mode. I will admit, I had a little more of more
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Behold…I am a handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
The First Sunday of Advent - Embracing our own Fiat “Behold - To perceive or gaze upon” Merriam-Websters Dictionary We are living in a time where most people are beginning to recognize and I would even say internalize the fact that their decisions affect not only themselves but those around them, people they know and also people they may never meet. This is why so many are increasingly concerned with large scale social matters and conscious consumption and its impact on the world and greater social populations. More people are realizing the impact of their intentionality and the power a commit more
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Behold…Some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
“And behold, some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.” Luke 13:30 I don’t know about you, but I was raised in a family that valued ambition. And while I don’t think there is anything wrong with ambition, I think you have to examine the reason for ambition. Is it a desire to be “first,” or is it a desire to do your best in an effort to glorify God? While the above verse is very familiar, many may not know that it comes at the end of a very powerful parable. Jesus teaches his disciples and followers a very powerful truth as an answer to the question, “Lord, are ther more
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Behold…I come to do Your will.
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
COVID.  One week we were in Mass, and the next the doors were locked.  For me, with this pandemic and fear came a frenzied need to pray and draw close to God.  Rosaries, Divine Mercy Chaplets, Confession, online Masses and prayers I’ve never prayed before were coming from our dining room “school” table all of March.  Then, Holy Week arrived, and I really started to ramp up my efforts.  Extra Bible readings, crafts, fasting...We were working our way through Holy Week with a fervor unlike anything I had ever known.  After the bleakest Lent ever, I just knew that Eas more
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We’ve Rebranded…
Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference Blog
by Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference
3y ago
Welcome to the new website for the Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference! As you can see, things look a little different around here. Several months ago, the conference committee decided a rebranding of the conference could be a good thing for us moving forward. We desired a new logo that represented what our conference is all about: bringing together different women from all ages and stages of life to encounter Christ and deepen their Catholic faith. As we contemplated and prayed about what this new logo might look like, a quote by Saint Therese kept coming to mind: “The splendor of the rose a more
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