Grimm's Gardens
Doug & Jeryl Grimm began their married life in 1976 on a dairy farm five miles away from what is now Grimm's Gardens. Our goal at Grimm's Gardens is to provide beauty through plants and landscapes to those around us by providing quality plants and the best customer service.
Grimm's Gardens
2d ago
When it comes to annual flowers, Proven Winners is ahead of the game. Even though they are not the only name on the market, they have upped everyone else’s quality by competition. In other words, becuase they do so well, it makes everyone else better. In the past, I was not as fond of annual [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
1w ago
Also known as loofahs, these edible gourds are where organic bath sponges come from. Several years ago, as our farm was growing, my wife asked me to look into growing luffas. So I did. And it turns out, I can grow them here in my garden in Northeast Kansas. But there is some work involved. [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
1w ago
Now that 2025 is here, we need to talk more about Proven Winners shrubby plant picks. Yes, I said shrubby. Proven Winners has been working on their shrub line for a while now, and we love them! It is nice to be able to find plants that work in a host of ways within the [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
3w ago
Invasive pests are among us, but hopefully not yet in our area. But they are coming. Be ready! We have been fairly blessed so far in the Central Great Plains Region to not have too many invasive pests. However, there is no barrier to stop them from coming sooner or later. So we need to [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
1M ago
Now that is a tongue twister. Proven winners has become and icon in American gardening, with the help of several influencers. And because the plants are as good as they say, we sell them. A lot of them. And because many of our customers want to know what plants to pick, I am going to [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
1M ago
A lot of new things always happen with a new year. 2025 promises to be a bigger and better year than 2024. And with the new year comes new gardening trends, though they resemble 2024’s trends. It looks as if we are trending more and more towards sustainable and eco-friendly landscapes. I saw this coming, [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
1M ago
It is Christmastime again! And you know what that means, it it time to show you my gardens from this year. 2024 was the 9th year of gardening on our property, but that does not mean that things are safe. Gardening is always changing and the garden never looks exactly the same from one year [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
1M ago
It is that time of year again, time for a review of 2024. Each year comes with its own problems and outcomes. But each year also comes with exciting things and rewards along with them. I try to put my best effort into each year as it comes along to make it the best possible [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
2M ago
What are soft landings? When I first came across this term at a native plant conference in winter of 2024, I had no idea what it was. And now, I see that I have been using soft landings most of my career, without even planning for it. Soft landings are plant filled places under key [...]
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Grimm's Gardens
3M ago
New plants are always coming down the wire. But there have become so many that I cannot keep up with them! In the past, we have always strived to bring the best product to our customers, from years of trialing in our own gardens and at the arboretum. But now there are so many new [...]
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