Deep Roots Project teaches everyone, everywhere organic kitchen gardening and the interconnectedness of Soil Health, Human Health, Planet Health.
3y ago
This is the text version of the video voice over from our Deep Roots website homepage. Enjoy “Magic in Everyday Nature” by Austin Price ..read more
3y ago
We are delighted that you made it to this blog post after viewing our new homepage video on the This is our first blog post that asks for comments - and we can't wait to have your feedback ..read more
3y ago
When our customers pre-order raised beds or soil and organic growing products - we can work more efficiencly. This helps us save money and we can pass those savings on to YOU! Black Friday will start on November 26 and continue for all orders placed on Friday throughout the month of December. DELIVERIES MADE IN MARCH ..read more
3y ago
Tomato blight is a fungal infestation of tomato plants that can be extremely challenging to control. It can attack all parts of the plant - leaves, stem and the fruit itself ..read more
3y ago
This is perhaps the most important blog post we have written this year. Winter is coming! Don’t wait too long to put your bed to bed for winter. Read this to know why DRP’s compost is superior to store-bought compost. We go straight to the farm to get it for you ..read more
3y ago
Don’t hang up your gardening gloves just yet! Fall is the most important season for improving your soil. If soil is still warm, nutrients and organic matter in the compost stimulate micro-organisms. This is the time when you get a head start on your growing season. What you do NOW and the products you use NOW will make the difference between an OK garden and a spectacular harvest ..read more
3y ago
Don’t hang up your gardening gloves just yet! Fall is the most important season for improving your soil. If soil is still warm, nutrients and organic matter in the compost stimulate micro-organisms. This is the time when you get a head start on your growing season. What you do NOW and the products you use NOW will make the difference between an OK garden and a spectacular harvest ..read more
3y ago
Don’t hang up your gardening gloves just yet! Fall is the most important season for improving your soil. If soil is still warm, nutrients and organic matter in the compost stimulate micro-organisms. This is the time when you get a head start on your growing season. What you do NOW and the products you use NOW will make the difference between an OK garden and a spectacular harvest ..read more
3y ago
This very useful resource page put together by addresses problems with pests AFTER they have arrived. It helps remind us that for integrated pest management (IPM) - the use of chemicals is always the last resort. Be sure to see our DRP Blog post on pest prevention - so you can respect Mother Nature and try to keep your unwanted “guests” from arriving ..read more
3y ago
In addition to offering some DRP “wisdom” - this blog post shares some helpful external resources. Most university extention offices throughout the US as well as local botanic gardens have wonderful services to help you identify and eliminate pests the DRP WAY - with methods that respect Mother Nature ..read more