Mobility Is Not Just a Warmup/Cooldown - It IS The Workout
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
6d ago
Mobility and Flexibility IS the Workout  I was recently asked, "When do you do your mobility and flexibility training - during the warmup or cooldown?"  Answer: Well - both. Plus, the workout itself. Mobility is the workout. Here's how and why: Adding flexibility and mobility training into your calisthenics, cardio, and even strength training can be done with excellent results. You may want to limit stretching during rest periods during strength training to maximize 1RM. Flexibility and mobility can be trained when doing auxiliary lifts with moderate weight and higher reps. in betwe more
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Unleashing the Power of Discomfort: How Embracing Challenges Transforms Your Mental Toughness
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
1w ago
The Key to Getting Tougher: Finding Comfort Doing Uncomfortable Things  Consider that many individuals find themselves trapped in a comfort zone. It is essential to recognize that pushing beyond this zone and engaging in experiences that bring on discomfort—be it mental, physical, or emotional—is crucial for nurturing mental toughness/resilience and pursuing personal growth. As an ambitious individual, you will inevitably encounter challenges that test your limits. Embracing discomfort can significantly enhance your resilience and bolster your confidence and create a tougher mindset for more
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Unlock Your Ageless Potential with Stew Smith's Proven Fitness Strategies
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
2w ago
Ready to Transform Your Life at 50 and Beyond? Reclaim Your Health and Vitality—It's Time to Get Moving Again! Stew Smith’s "The Ageless Athlete" is your key to shedding pounds and embracing an active lifestyle, rekindling your passion for fitness regardless of age. In today’s world, many men over 50 yearn to return to their youthful vigor but struggle with the uncertainty of how to begin. "The Ageless Athlete" is specifically designed for you. With insights from my 25 years of personal coaching and fitness writing, this book provides the essential tools to jumpstart your journey toward fitn more
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How to Turn Failing and Mistakes into Fuel for Unwavering Resilience
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
3w ago
Work Hard – Set High Standards BUT Forgive Yourself. When You Make Mistakes or Fail – Learn and Keep Trying In moments of struggle, when the weight of self-doubt and feelings of failure seem overwhelming, it can be easy to lose sight of your potential and why you started a particular journey towards a long term goal. However, overcoming these challenges is not only possible but also the ideal opportunity for true growth. Below are practical strategies to help you keep moving forward, developing discipline, nurturing resilience, and redefining your relationship with setbacks. We all have them more
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Grow Old and Strong, or Grow Old and Weak - Your Choice...
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
3w ago
Age is inevitable, but growing old is a choice.” (Joseph Rain). You have a choice: Get strong and remain strong as you age, or grow old and be weak. If we are lucky, we will age fully to what our genetics and life decide. However, how you want to live when you are older will be up to you and how you live today. One of my favorite aging quotes helps with maintaining a positive attitude: “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” Another aging quote is from Socrates: "It is a shame for a person to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which their body is capa more
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New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block Periodization
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
3w ago
New Winter Lift with PST Prep /Test Week Block Periodization  Increase Strength & Crush the PST / PAST3 Weeks Strength - 1 Week PT / Cardio Focus  (16 weeks) Typically, the Fall / Winter lift cycle is a reduced number of calisthenics, added weight lifting, weight vests, and other devices to make calisthenics harder combined with reduced running distance each week.  This has had a recovery and therapeutic effect on our training group's joints, feet, shins, and other areas where high miles and high repetitions can show overuse pain. That is one reason why we shift cycles.&nbs more
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Hard Weekend Workout Deserve a Good Recovery Monday
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
1M ago
Be Smart with Tougher Than Normal Training on Weekends - Add Recovery / Mobility Day on Monday Many weekends are made for longer workouts requiring more time and effort than a typical 60-minute workout. If you are preparing for a near future in special ops selection training, you may want to put in some time doing things that take more time. Things like swimming with fins, rucking, running, and high-rep calisthenics workouts that challenge the muscle stamina and endurance components of tactical fitness.  But, if you are lifting heavy over the weekend, testing out 1RMs on various lifts, y more
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Light Weight Shoulder Circuit - 5 lb or less!
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew Smith
1M ago
The Light Weight Shoulder Workout - Done with 5 lb DBs or less (really!) - You will see this quick light weight circuit in most of my programs as I have been using this six exercise series for over 20 years now. Adding some dumbbell exercises can help you supplement a calisthenics only program creating more balance that some calisthenics cannot do alone efficiently.  The shoulder is our most versatile joint. There is no other joint that can lift up, down, forward, backward, rotate left and right, and throw. The only joint in our body built similarly is the hip. But with the shoulder's v more
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I Knew I Did Not Like the Word "Resolution" as a Goal Replacement
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
1M ago
There is a Reason - Check It Out For over 250 years, the word "resolution" entered our vocabulary as a word that has replaced the word "goal", but only for the month of January. This never set well with me as a coach and for my own personal and professional goals throughout my life. First, any day is a good DAY ONE to start toward a new goal.   You do not need it to be the beginning of a year, month, or week, but starting with a new time block makes sense to many, so let's think about a few options: The word evolved from "resolute" to resolve problems to eventually mean make a decision an more
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Being Consistent Requires Experimenting More Than Goal Setting
Stew Smith Fitness
by Stew smith
1M ago
You Need to Enjoy What You Do to be Consistent Throughout life, we can all recall times and goals that required being consistent to finish. Graduating high school, finishing a losing sports season, doing a job to make ends meet, or other activities that had an end result. Face it, for many just finishing these foundational events were the best days. You found a way to tough it out even though you did not thoroughly enjoy it and you finished regardless. While you may have hated some of your history, it is what makes you tougher today. Fast forward to creating challenging personal health, relat more
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