106 Wicked: On Scapegoats and Saviours
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
1w ago
Blurb: Wicked is a wickedly relevant social commentary! Allow Catholic philosopher Rene Girard to explain the phenomena of mimetic desire and scapegoating in us all. Be prepared to be challenged!  Excerpt:  In Wicked, another moment this mimetic desire is particularly on display is in the ballroom scene. Again, when Glinda mocked Elphaba’s outrageous hat, everyone else mocked Elphaba, because everyone just wanted what Glinda wanted. But then Glinda suddenly has a change in her conscience and begins to feels sorry for Elphaba. She boldly steps out and reaches out to Elphaba on the dan ..read more
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Special: Testimony of walking the Camino de Santiago
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
2w ago
In Nov 2024, I was a pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago, a journey which took over a month. This episode, I share a testimony of some of the key graces and moments on my mythic pilgrimage!  ..read more
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100 A special interview with the host!
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
2w ago
To celebrate 100 episodes, today is a little ‘behind the scenes’ of the Myth Pilgrim, where I allow MYSELF to get interviewed by a friend Gerard William. It’s my honour to share what inspires the episodes, how I make decisions and what myth and fairytale have meant for me growing up.  ..read more
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84 Dante's profound journey into Heaven through Hell
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
2w ago
Learn how love leads Dante through the depths of Hell, up mount Purgatory and into the highest Heavens! Discover why The Divine Comedy is one of the most theologically significant Catholic works of all time, and one of it's greatest love stories. Excerpt from episode: "Dear friends, how many stories do you know dare to traverse the pits of hell while also ascending to the highest heavens? In the 1200s, an exiled Italian poet wrote a very profound love story, one that is now known as The Divine Comedy. This part fiction, part autobiographical tale of a man who journeys through the many rings of ..read more
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81 Narnia: Remembering, and how it saves our souls
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
2w ago
More Aslan wisdom! Spiritual maturity is as much about remembering as it is about growing. Allow this famous passage from the Silver Chair, to shed light on the forgotten significance of remembrance throughout the bible.   Excerpt from episode: "Today I feel drawn to only hone in on one feature, remembering, and the importance of remembering in the spiritual life. By remembering here I do not merely refer to the recollection of information, but rather, to make present a promise of God, or an act of God. You’ll recall that Aslan tells Jill to remember the four signs he gives her, and gets ..read more
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I will be away on pilgrimage: Camino de Santiago!
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
4M ago
A short heads up that I will be taking three months break from recording - because I’m going on pilgrimage myself! I am setting out to walk the full Santiago de Compostela across the south of France to the edge of Spain ..read more
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104 The Hero's Journey through The Lion King
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
5M ago
Understanding the classical Hero's Journey greatly complements spiritual growth. Using the Lion King, we'll explore ten key stages of the Hero's Journey identified by Joseph Campbell, drawing parallels with Jesus' own life, death and resurrection. Diagram of Lawrence's "The Hero's Journey adapted for Spiritual Direction." Excerpt from episode: "Stage 2: the Call to Adventure. At some point, there is a visitation from outside the home, that acts to draw the hero out … or at least shake him up out of his mundaneness. It is Hagrid coming to Harry and telling him he’s a wizard, Morpheus telling Ne ..read more
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103 The book of Revelation (part 2): The Ultimate Finale
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
5M ago
This episode will continue on from the previous, exploring The Lamb's victory over the Dragon, Whore of Babylon and Antichrist. More importantly, we will dwell on the climactic finale of the entire bible: the Wedding feast of The Lamb! Prepare for a ride! Excerpt:    "... fact check first: unlike what is presented in popular culture, the antichrist is not actually mentioned in the book of Revelation at all, and flowing from that, there is also no explicit notion that the antichrist is even one particular person / or entity that’ll appear at the end of time. While interpretations of t ..read more
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102 The Book of Revelation: how myth unveils reality
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
6M ago
Are we living in the end times? While mythical images of fiery lakes, dragons, and antichrists can be captivating, what are the true spiritual insights offered by this often-misunderstood book? Soundtrack credits: Sogno di Volare (Christopher Tin), Holy Forever Instrumental (Chris Tomlin and CeCe Winans), Bethsheba, (from David, composed by Gabriel Wilson)  ..read more
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101 Twister(s) & the healing from trauma
The Myth Pilgrim
by Br Lawrence MGL
7M ago
This episode is a psychological and spiritual exploration of trauma. Guided by the insights of Dr. Gabor Mate, we use the redemption storylines of Twister (and it's sequel) to explore the effects of trauma and the path towards healing.  Excerpt from episode:  "So now I’m going to dive deeper into how the Twister movies are trauma redemption stories. There’s a line in Twisters that I want to begin with. Recall that Kate is initially hesitant to get back into tornado chasing because when she was a doctorate student, she had underestimated a tornado’s power and as a result, had gotten h ..read more
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