In the Couplehood podcast, you'll learn key communication strategies that will help you speak your truth and share with your partner in a loving and constructive way. Hosted by Allison Villa - a registered psychotherapist and relationship expert - with a mission to empower parents to make their romantic relationship a priority. We'll dive deep into the reasons why so many couples let the..
1M ago
“Let this be your permission to go inwards and listen to the answers that are already within you.”
— Allison Villa
Hello dear friends - some bittersweet news to share…
This will be the final episode of the Couplehood podcast. (I may return once again or re-direct my energy into other projects...we shall see!)
After much reflection, I’ve decided to take a pause on many aspects of my work life.
In this episode, I share why I’ve come to this decision, the passage that inspired me to go inwards, as well as some reflection questions to help you refle ..read more
1M ago
“The day to day moments are just as meaningful as the date nights you have.”
— Allison Villa
How do we show love every day, when family life is so full-on?
I get this question a lot.
This is why I created the Love.Every.Day. series every Tuesday on Instagram...and now, also on the podcast!
Love.Every.Day tips are simple yet powerful ways to show your love to each other.
If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll know how much I advocate showing your kids what a loving relationship looks like, because how you love each other today lives on for generations.
Let’s continue to build an ..read more
1M ago
“The best measure of your parenting is your child’s happiness.”
— Allison Villa
Have you ever stopped to think about what lessons you have learned in parenthood?
Recently, I’ve celebrated a huge milestone in my life; 10 years of motherhood.
In today’s episode of Couplehood, I took some time to reflect on what I’ve learned in my 10 years of parenting and what I would tell myself 10 years ago when I began my motherhood journey.
As you listen, I encourage you to reflect on your own parenting journey and write down the lessons that you’ve learned along the way.
I find ..read more
1M ago
“A Blessing Way is traditionally when multi-generations come together to celebrate & support the mother-to-be before baby’s arrival.”
— Allison Villa
Today’s episode of the Couplehood podcast is for those of you that are expecting, or have someone in your life that’s expecting. We’re going to cover the difference between a Baby Shower and a Blessing Way.
If you’ve never heard of a Blessing Way - don’t worry - I’m going to fill you in!
I recently hosted a Blessing Way that had a unique twist from the traditional ceremony. This one celebrated both the mother and father-to-be - such ..read more
1M ago
“I want our kids to see the support we give each other. You can have differences, but still be loving and supportive of each other.”
— Sarah
Today’s episode is part of my limited Sandbox Spotlight series, which features interviews with real-life couples talking about their real-life experiences navigating the 4 Relationship Seasons, developing better communication skills, and deepening their connection.
If you haven’t listened to my episodes on the Relationship Seasons, I recommend you check them out first!
My guests for this episode are Sarah and Steve. They have been together for 14 ..read more
1M ago
“You don’t need to know how it’s going to unfold. You just need to take the first step.”
— Allison Villa
In this episode we are continuing the Couple’s Sandbox Spotlight Series, but for this special episode, I invited my husband Arjan to join me! We share some insight into where our relationship is today.
If you’re a couple that has experienced a significant lifestyle change this year like a move to a new location, switching to homeschooling, or completing a reno, then this episode is for you.
Arjan shares that in the past year we’ve had a lot of external factors that h ..read more
1M ago
“I’m all about small steps that have a big impact.”
— Allison
If you’re a couple that’s in the Coping Season, this episode is for you! We’ll be exploring how couples deal with relationship stresses and learn how to communicate more effectively.
This episode is part of my limited Sandbox Spotlight series, which features interviews with real-life couples talking about their real-life experiences moving through the 4 Relationship Seasons. It’s honest, raw, and a reminder that we all go through ups and downs!
My guests for this episode are Alina and Mario, who have been tog ..read more
1M ago
“How you love each other today lives on through your children and in generations to come.” — Allison Villa
In this week’s episodes of the Couplehood podcast, we are bringing back the Sandbox Spotlight series, a limited series featuring interviews with real-life couples talking about their real-life experiences! In the series, we’re going to talk about their challenges, their joys, and how they successfully navigate The 4 Relationship Seasons.
My guests for this episode are Britt and Nick, who have been together for 6 years and are the parents of a 3-year-old and a 4-month-old.  ..read more
1M ago
Please enjoy this replay episode of number 18!
“Before the pandemic, I was a completely different person.”
— Cecilia
If you’re a couple that’s had a major lifestyle change during the pandemic, this will be a useful episode for you!
This is the second episode of my limited Sandbox Spotlight series, which features interviews with real-life couples talking about their real-life experiences moving through the relationship seasons with total honesty.
If you haven’t listened to my episodes on the relationship seasons, I recommend you check them out first!
In this series, we explore how couple ..read more
1M ago
Please enjoy this replay of episode 17!
“It’s not easy to parent if you’re not on the same wavelength.”
— Jake
Welcome to the first episode of the Sandbox Spotlight series, a limited series featuring interviews with real-life couples talking about their real-life experiences! In the series, we’re going to talk about their challenges, their joys, and how they successfully navigate the four relationship seasons.
If you haven’t listened to my episodes on the relationship seasons, I recommend you check them out first!
My guests for this episode are Mel and Jake, founding members of my on ..read more