Podcast Trailer for 2025
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
2M ago
Plants Dig Soil https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/ Newsletter signup: https://mailchi.mp/plantsdigsoil/newsletter  https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/6944029544697802752 Practical Regeneration: Realistic Strategies for Climate Smart Agriculture https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/books My consulting packages: https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/pricing/#consulting Speaking, Teaching, & Workshop Design: https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/speaking My funding service offerings: https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/pricing/#paperwork SCAP program details https://www.alberta.ca/sustainable-cap.aspx OFCAF program de ..read more
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616 The Cover Crop Disconnect: Ignoring what the data says
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
2M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | Welcome to the final newsletter of the year! As mentioned previously, I’ll be taking a break over the holiday season but will return in early February. If you’re in southern Alberta and would like to connect before then, I’ll be at the Irrigated Crop Production Update on January 23rd in Lethbridge. You’ll find the registration link included in this email. This month, I’m diving deeper into the topic of #RealisticRegenAg with just four articles that explore it in greater detail. Along with summaries and my own thoughts, I encourage you to save these articles in your favourit ..read more
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521 Building the Soil Comes at a Cost (Regen Ag News May 2023)
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
2M ago
(Sorry – the camera wasn’t working so I just recorded with my laptop facing a sound barrier!) #RealisticRegenAg | It’s always bugged me that regenerative is portrayed as a win-win-win system for the farmer, the soil, and the planet. Farmers that don’t do it can be seen as farming in a backwards way. However, if it were so simple and did so much, I’m sure they’d be doing it already. The overall theme of the regenerative agriculture news this month is deflating the hype from some of the practices. It’s not to say they aren’t worth it, but it’s not all blue skies and roses. Stay tuned, I’ll cover ..read more
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504 Insurance and Organic Matter (Regen Ag News Jan 2023)
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
2M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | Could the level of organic matter in your soil be tied to your insurance premiums in the future? This is just one of the many articles that I came across this month as I was looking for regenerative agriculture news. Stay tuned for this and many more. Newsletter signup: https://mailchi.mp/plantsdigsoil/newsletter My service offerings: https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/pricing/ Email: scott@plantsdigsoil.com Twitter (Scott): https://twitter.com/scottcgillespie Twitter (Company): https://twitter.com/PlantsDigSoil LinkedIn (Scott): https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottcgillespie/ Link ..read more
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615 Plant genetics drive microbial diversity & abundance
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
4M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | As the season winds down here in southern Alberta, I’ve been busy teaching both diploma and degree students at Lethbridge Polytechnic (formerly Lethbridge College). As is my annual tradition, I’ll be slowing down my newsletter and podcast production during the fall and taking an extended break over the holiday season. You can expect one final newsletter in early December, with the next edition coming your way in February. Transcript (with links to articles): https://www.plantsdigsoil.com/podcast/cover-crop-emission-surprise Newsletter signup: https://mailchi.mp/plantsdigsoi ..read more
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604 My book is out!
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
4M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | My book is published! This has been a year long process of editing, book design, proofreading, and finally getting it set for distribution. I used a hybrid model of self publishing with the support of a team at FriesenPress. They are Canadian publishers and have all the distribution channels in place to get it availablen anywhere in the world. The title is Practical Regeneration: Realistic Strategies for Climate Smart Agriculture. Here’s the elevator pitch: Farmers are feeling the pressure to implement climate smart strategies from outside forces. Governments are making int ..read more
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538 Plants Don’t Read Our Manuals
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
4M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | Rick from the GardenFork podcast frequently remarks, "Bees don't read our manuals," when he discusses beekeeping. I've found this to be equally true for plants. In this episode, I'll share a year-end review of what I learned over the summer in the fields and my garden. Welcome to Plants Dig Soil, a podcast about #RealisticRegenAg. I’m your host, Scott Gillespie, and I’m an agronomist from the western Canadian prairies specializing in climate-smart agriculture. I discuss scientifically proven practices that benefit the planet and, just as importantly, farmers' economic susta ..read more
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614 Cover Crop Emission Surprise
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
5M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | Cover crops might be giving off more greenhouse gases than bare ground. It's a surprise, for sure. It all comes down to how long they sit in cool and wet conditions. They pull up and hold onto more nitrogen than bare ground, however when they die they can give off much greater nitrous oxide emissions compared to a bare field. So check out the articles below and read any of the most interesting articles that you see. In case you’re new here, let me introduce myself. I’m an author and independent agronomist from the Western Canadian Prairies specializing in climate-smart agri ..read more
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613 Tight Soils – Sodacity, Salinity, and Alkali Explained
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
6M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | White patches in a field are often referred to as alkali patches. The underlying problem may be high pH – alkalinity – but the salt in and of itself is not at a high pH and therefore is not alkaline. When you see salt on the surface it is more properly called salinity. The reason for this is that alkalinity may or may not be there. If present it may be near the surface or it may be deeper down. Compounding on this, alkalinity may not be present. Excess sodium cations – not excess sodium salts – could be the cause. Finally, just because you don’t see salt on the surface does ..read more
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612 The Circular Carbon Economy
Plants Dig Soil™
by Scott Gillespie
6M ago
#RealisticRegenAg | I’ve been thinking more and more about the circular economy recently. Truly regenerative agriculture will return the nutrients back to the land. It may not be possible to bring it back to the exact piece of land, but starting to get more of these nutrients back to any piece of land is the starting of getting to the goal of regenerative. Most of the articles this month fit into this idea, though mostly with carbon, since that is the hot topic these days. In case you’re new here, let me introduce myself. I’m an author and independent agronomist from the Western Canadian Prair ..read more
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