CicloZone Blog
CicloZone is the science-driven, personalised indoor cycling app that makes every second count. Created by pro cyclists, it brings all the best features of group cycling classes to your home with no need for flashy equipment or expensive gym memberships.
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
Darren Lee addresses the new trends popping up around the indoor cycling world and discusses why they are both useless and dangerous more
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
Don't be fooled by the title of this blog, Darren does NOT spend the next 300 words talking specifically about long jumping in a blog about cycling, but rather discusses how to improve many aspects of sport performance by including cycle training in your preparation for those sports more
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
Darren Lee discusses the danger of promoting yourself as a 'Power Zone' instructor on social media without the background knowledge on the subject more
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
From saddle soreness to the infamous numb bum, there are a number of minor drawbacks when choosing a bike for your fitness needs. Darren Lee walks us through a few basic stretches that he includes after every ride to avoid any discomfort more
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
In this third and final instalment of Darren Lee's Keto blog series, he dives into how to implement the Keto diet and how it affects your body more
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
Darren Lee discusses how his move to Southern Spain changed his attitude to foods and his understanding of nutrition forever as he explores the 'Keto' diet and how it forces your body into using a different type of fuel and its impact on training more
CicloZone Blog
2y ago
In the second instalment to Darren's Keto blog series, he begins to list the main challenges that Keto poses for cyclists and outlines whether of not it's the right nutritional plan for you more
CicloZone Blog
3y ago
Whether it’s a two-week planned holiday to the beach or moderate respiratory infection, there is nothing worse than seeing your hard-fought gains fading away because of everyday situations. Karyn Silenzi assures us that these setbacks are temporary and occur at various rates more
CicloZone Blog
3y ago
Darren Lee takes a look back over his many years of cycling reminding us that being a cyclist means your journey is never at an end, so you can always enjoy the ride more
CicloZone Blog
3y ago
As with most physical exercise regimes and training programs, the actual work you put in is only part of the journey. Darren Lee is here to talk us through where to begin when thinking about nutrition and shares three simple nutritional tips to a healthy lifestyle more