Endometriosis: how a better diet and Chinese Medicine can affect it
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Dear readers, today I will discuss ENDOMETRIOSIS and how a better diet can affect it. I will both give some advice from a Chinese Medicine`s perspective and some of the latest research which has been found to be helpful. I will also give some advice on which complementary treatments that ..read more
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Doreen with PCOS changed her diet and got pregnant!
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Today I will present a very interesting case, with a patient whom radically changed her diet after she came to my clinic. Her nickname in this story is Doreen. Her weight had increased slowly, but steadily from getting a teenager. She claimed that she was eating food in normal amounts ..read more
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If you knew the exact day that you would get pregnant would you experience the fertility treatment differently?
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Fertility treatment; sometimes I ask my patients powerful questions. Questions that I ask to make them think in different perspective, questions that may help them to understand their own situation and reactions. A powerful question to a patient that either blames herself for not being positive enough or a patient ..read more
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How to defeat stress?
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
I want to write a blog text about stress — because I know that stress is something fertility patients fear and think a lot about. They are scared that their stress affects the fertility treatment. I often hear: Do you think I stress too much? Is that why I am ..read more
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I want a second child through embryo adoption, should I tell my second child its offspring?
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Second child through embryo adoption To tell or not to tell the child about the donation, is one of the most common topics I talk to patients about. I never tell a patient what to do. What I do, is to open their perspectives, give them a lot of information ..read more
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The 60 / 40 rule
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Now I will tell you about my 60 / 40 rule and I hope that it will help you! A lot of the patients I talk to find it hard to motivate themselves into egg donation treatment. It can be for many different reasons so here I will tell you ..read more
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Failed embryo adoption: a motivating session
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
She called me, she told me that she felt her life was falling apart as she had just found out that her first embryo adoption attempt had failed. I talked to her on the phone, I have known her for a long time, she is 45 years old and desperately wants ..read more
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Foods that will boost your fertility
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Salmon Avocado Eggs Carrot Chia seeds Beets Walnuts Quinoa Spinach and kale Pomegranate 1. Salmon Salmon is a very good source to protein and it also has a lot of nutrients which are important for your fertility. Fat fish like salmon is a very good source of omega-3 and omega-3 ..read more
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Information as a powerful ally in your IVF journey
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Whether you are starting your IVF journey, are in the middle of it or have already come a long way, the anxiety is often here: it stays and it grows, taking over your mind and your body. You have many questions and many doubts. You receive brief and seldom answers ..read more
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Why do these women donate their eggs?
IDEAS International Donor Egg Agency
3y ago
Talking about motivation in egg donation programme is always vulnerable. You can easily hear people saying: “Oh yeah, no need to tell these fairy-tales to me! Money is the only motivation they have!” Partly, these people are right as financial benefit is always something that we would love to get ..read more
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