Hep Magazine
Go-to online source for educational and social support for people living with hepatitis C/B/A and fatty liver diseases. Hep is devoted to combating the stigma and isolation surrounding hepatitis.
Hep Magazine
3d ago
Experts developed 20 recommendations to improve MASLD/MASH awareness, screening and care ..read more
Hep Magazine
1w ago
New HIV cases among youth in Shelby County, Tennessee, are five times higher than in the rest of the nation—and rising ..read more
Hep Magazine
1w ago
The partnership seeks to educate veterans and caregivers about their liver health ..read more
Hep Magazine
1w ago
Plus: Trump’s attacks on diversity and equity could impair clinical trials and reverse anti-discrimination protections for employees ..read more
Hep Magazine
2w ago
CDC and other agencies were told to halt public communications, and the NIH grant process appears to be on hold ..read more
Hep Magazine
2w ago
A new study finds that a blood test may be a more reliable indicator of liver disease than asking how much a person drinks ..read more
Hep Magazine
2w ago
While I leave NIH unable to see initiatives through to fruition, I am optimistic that they will continue under new leadership ..read more
Hep Magazine
3w ago
One alcohol-free month can help lower one’s risk for liver damage and reset one’s relationship with alcohol ..read more
Hep Magazine
3w ago
Currently, insurance must cover certain preventive care, such as cancer screenings, heart statins and PrEP for HIV. Will the law stand ..read more
Hep Magazine
3w ago
No person-to-person bird flu transmission spread has been identified, and CDC says the risk to the general public remains low ..read more