Arizona Law Group Blog
Stewart Law Group has been serving clients in greater Phoenix since 2004. With over 100 years of combined professional experience, their legal team provides the courtroom advantage their clients expect and deserve. Their attorney can represent you in divorce, child custody determination, or other important family law matters. They assist with child support establishment and modification cases...
Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
After an accident in Phoenix, AZ, many people are unsure about how much time they have to file a police report. In some cases, such as accidents involving multiple vehicles, serious injuries, or significant property damage, motorists must report the accident immediately to the local authorities so that emergency medical attention can be provided....
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
Running a red light or stop sign in Arizona is a serious traffic offense. It can result in big fines, points on your driving record, and higher insurance rates. These violations are dangerous and often get extra attention from law enforcement, especially during ticket crackdowns. How Much Is a Red Light Camera Ticket in...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
Arizona’s criminal courts have a reasonable amount of flexibility in sentencing those convicted of crimes. Under a variety of circumstances, a judge may sentence a convicted individual to community service rather than incarceration or fines or in addition to incarceration or fines. The court considers the nature of the crime and the defendant’s criminal...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
Intentionally damaging someone else’s property is a crime in Arizona with penalties dependent upon the value of the damaged property. Before the criminal justice system classifies the crime as a misdemeanor or felony, they must first evaluate the property to arrive at a dollar amount. If you or your family member damaged property belonging...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
If you’re facing criminal charges in Arizona, you may wonder what to expect as you endure the legal process ahead. While it’s critical to seek skilled representation by a criminal attorney with a strong track record of success in similar cases, you’ll more successfully navigate Arizona’s criminal justice system by understanding each step of...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
Law enforcement agencies in Arizona take gun crimes and weapon misconduct charges very seriously. The state’s district attorneys tend to aggressively prosecute them due to the violent and destructive nature of gun crimes and the media’s interest in the escalating numbers of violent crimes involving guns in the U.S. In some cases, misunderstanding of...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
Facing criminal charges in Arizona can be daunting. Fortunately, anyone charged with a crime in the U.S. is entitled to a strong defense. With the life-altering possibilities of jail time, fines, and a criminal history on your record, no criminal charges should be taken lightly. It’s important to understand that criminal charges do not...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
Everyone makes mistakes and the college years are not typically when we make our best decisions. But what if a bad choice risks the lives of others and puts your entire future at risk? The Arizona justice system takes drinking and driving very seriously. Over 4,500 drunk driving accidents in a single recent year...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
It’s easy to think of the police as all-powerful, but do they have the right to search your cell phone without permission? While it’s important to remain respectful, and under Arizona law, you must comply with an officer’s requests to roll down your window during a traffic stop, supply your name, and show ID,...
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Arizona Law Group Blog
1w ago
Arizona Law Group.
In Arizona, some non-violent offenders are eligible for house arrest rather than incarceration in a state or county facility. In most cases, the inmate begins their sentence in jail or prison before becoming eligible for house arrest. House arrest—or home detention—occurs after a conviction and requires the convicted individual to remain at home to...
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