What is an Astronomical Observatory?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of what constitutes and astronomical observatory with a few examples in the real world that you have probably heard of ..read more
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What is Occam's Razor?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the philosophical concept known as Occam's Razor, which asserts that “the simplest explanation of a particular natural phenomenon is usually the correct one.”  ..read more
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Why is the Webb Telescope Optimized to Observe Infrared Light?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of why the Webb Telescope is optimized to observe infrared light. Hint: it has to do with the four main science areas that it will be studying: “Other Worlds,” “Star Lifecycle,” “Galaxies Over Time,” and “Early Universe ..read more
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What are the Main Science Goals of the Webb Telescope?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the four main science goals of the James Webb Space Telescope - “Other Worlds,” “Star Lifecycle,” “Galaxies Over Time,” and “Early Universe ..read more
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What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the James Webb Space Telescope and how it's different than the Hubble Space Telescope ..read more
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What is the Hubble Space Telescope?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the Hubble Space Telescope and its scientific capabilities ..read more
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Why Do We Put Telescopes in Space?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the two primary reasons why we send telescopes into space to observe and study celestial objects ..read more
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What is the Big Crunch?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of what will happen if the universe stops expanding and collapses back on itself - this is known as the Big Crunch ..read more
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What are the Basic Properties of Astronomical Objects?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the basic properties of astronomical objects such as mass, radius, distance, luminosity, and temperature ..read more
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What is the Local Group of Galaxies?
Astronomy Minute
by Ata Sarajedini
1y ago
A brief description of the Local Group of galaxies which contains the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, and dozens of dwarf galaxies all gravitationally bound to each other ..read more
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