Early Childhood Master's Education
The latest news and updates on early childhood education by Shimane, a 30 years old and Assistant Teacher at an Early Childhood Learning Center.
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
I selected the (CEC) “Council for Exceptional Children” because it is a national, non-profit, organization that helps to improve educational outcomes for children with disabilities, gifts, and/or talents. (The Council for Exceptional Children, 2021). It allows ideas to enhance children’s learning daily. There are resources, professional development, and advocacy through the library articles, programs for parents, students, teachers, etc.
The (CPR) Council Professional Recognition field of early childhood education organizes and supports the professional development of early childhood teachers ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
An explanation of my most passionate hope for your future as an early childhood professional and for the children and families with whom you work or will work would be to continue to feel energized and passionate about teaching despite all the negative growth and development in the field. My passion is to help children achieve better education for their future endeavors. Having a committed passion for the early childhood profession, which demonstrates in all aspects of my work with, and on behalf of, children, families, and the early childhood field continues to enhance my committed passion to ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
My reaction to the ideas shared in this reading is as an individual I cannot keep things away from children but at the same time sheltered them to the best of my ability. It’s good to have them know and understand things taking place in today’s society but to a certain degree. You do not want to expose them, and before you know they are learning way too much for their age. Yes, they will be exposed to the world and society images on their own, but I feel like this is where the adult or a parent should give them the foundation from a tender age. As children struggle to understand what they lear ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
Experiencing racism as an early childhood professional can increase a lot of hatred and mixed emotions in dealing with children of the same race that discriminates against you. Racism can make a person feel less of themselves and seen as an outcast because of low expectations. According to Shonkoff et al., 2021, the discrimination with “-isms” can lead to negative emotional and mental well-being in children and their families. Being an early childhood professional and having to work with children and their families can affect their mental, social, emotional, psychological and developmental lif ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
An ideal learning environment for me would be safe, organized, structured around the children, welcoming, and fun. I enjoy doing lots of hands-on activities with my students. They are not only learning words but also seeing the actual images of the topic covered. It can also be an environment for us all to have better communication. We can learn about each other and have/ share different or similar experiences. Their Social, physical, mental, psychological, and developmental skills can be enhanced. In this mindset, I would be as positive as possible, creating boundaries, and an anti-bias sett ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
I hope that we will all get along better without chaos, confusion, segregation, or discrimination. I hope that we live in love, peace, and unity because everyone’s lives matter. We should not see black or white, but I am my brothers and sister’s keeper, and that we are all one in this world because we all need each other despite our skin color, sexuality, or financial status.
My goal is to open my dance studio one day to have all kinds of diverse adolescents, especially those whose families cannot afford it. I will have a program or payment plan set up for th ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
Fingers Art smugge
Art to me is anything you can imagine and portray outwardly with expression, passion, creative skill form painting, coloring, drawing, or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. It can also be shown through music, and dance. I love the fact that it can be shown through these different aspects, especially dance because it can tell a story of your own originality deep within the mind, body soul and spirit.
from knowing what it is not to knowing what it will be as a finish product. Arts and Craft
Growing up I always knew ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
A time I silenced a child (my son) after he pointed out a teacher was gay was very recent. This made me laugh at myself for the simple fact that I remembered myself being his age and saying the very same thing, not knowing it was part of life. He knows the difference, so I scolded him. It felt like history was repeating itself. It happened in his classroom with a substitute teacher, who was covering his class that day. The teacher walked into the classroom with a female handbag. My son noticed it, and he was like “Mr. you have a girl bag, and you are gay for that.” The teacher stormed out of t ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
Seeing Diversity: Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation GAY!
I always played around growing up calling people gay as a joke. Never really knew it was an actual thing. Everything someone did or said, I would say they are gay. When they wanted to kiss me or hug me, I would say you are being gay. Back in the days, I knew the word Gay as meaning you are happy. I never really knew it is two people of the same sex who loved each other. When I started to fully understand the meaning of the word, I started looking at people who cut their hair, dressed like guys or girls, wore sneakers only, an ..read more
Early Childhood Master's Education
3y ago
To my classmates, It was a great pleasure working with you all in this course for the past 8 weeks. I wish you all the very best of luck in the next set of courses. I am happy to see that we were able to pull through and make it this far. I know we will be able to manage the remaining of the other courses ahead. We are almost there, so let’s just keep pressing and achieving until the end. I know we all have different responsibilities and a life outside of school and all the work, but we sure will benefit from it. Looking back, we will want to know where the time went because time waits on no m ..read more