EP 80: Finding Peace in an Anxious World with Jonny Ardavinas
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by Impactus
1w ago
Former England superstar football captain David Beckham recalls being sent off the field in the 1998 World Cup Finals: “It was probably the longest walk in my life…looking back, I’m not sure what thoughts were going through my mind: it was a swirl of fear, guilt, anger, worry, and confusion. “My head was spinning…I walked into the dressing room. The rules stated that I had to stay in there for the remainder of the match. England lost. We were out of the World Cup. “When the England players came back into the dressing room, no one breathed a word to me. There was almost complete silence. I coul ..read more
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EP 79: Becoming a Warrior Disciple with Scott Roberts
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
1M ago
When you hear the word “warrior,” what comes to mind? Maybe the movie Gladiator? The WWF’s Ultimate Warrior? The latest UFC champion? Now, when you hear the word “disciple,” what do you think of? Something very different? Maybe something incompatible with the first word? But what if these two terms could fit together? Our guest on this episode believes the words “warrior disciple” go hand in hand for the man following Christ, and, in fact, can be a catalyst for seeing men’s lives transformed by the Gospel. Scott Roberts is a dynamic Christian leader and writer. He is the author of the men’s mi ..read more
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EP 78: Adventures in Fatherhood with Jason Weening
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by Impactus
2M ago
Some of you may be old enough to remember the sitcom Eight is Enough, about a family with eight children trying to get by. Well, for our guest in this podcast, it’s not eight, but ten! Today, we’re going to speak with Jason Weening, a dad of ten who has dedicated his life to fatherhood and helping other dads along the way. Jason and his wife, Alli, have been married for 20 years. He speaks to parents, encouraging them to be intentional in their “most important organization”: their family! After spending 15 years in the business world, he moved into a ministry role at his local church. Their ad ..read more
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EP 77: Pushing the Limits with Gord Pauls
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
3M ago
If you’re a Marvel movie fan, Iron Man is probably familiar to you. In this episode of the Impactus podcast, we are excited to talk with a real-life “Iron Man”—a humble businessman from Hamilton, Ontario, who was the first Canadian to run not one, not two, but three Ironman races in three consecutive days for over 45 hours of physical exertion. But he wasn’t running for himself but for a greater cause. Gord Pauls owned and operated a General Insurance brokerage for 28 years and opened a running apparel store in 1996. He is an accomplished runner and triathlete and a respected, personable ..read more
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EP 76: Multiplying Men with Steve Sonderman
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
4M ago
Is “Men’s Ministry” still a thing? Is it still relevant? Do we even need it? Here at Impactus, we like referring to this area as “Ministry to Men,” and that’s more than just semantics. We need a new understanding that men need ministry, not just programs, and that men are called to do ministry in their churches and communities. On this podcast, we’re delighted to have one of the most recognizable names in Ministry to Men back with us: Steve Sonderman. Steve is highly regarded as one of the pioneers of the men’s ministry movement in America. He started one of the first men’s mini ..read more
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EP 75: Fighting for Your Family with Chris Bennett
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
5M ago
Families are under attack. Culture seems to be encroaching on us. Pressure comes from all angles…education, ideology, politics, and sometimes even the Church. But maybe there’s a much more sinister battle at work—in our minds, hearts, and homes. In this podcast, we’ll discuss “Fighting for Your Family” with Chris Bennett, who recently released a book under this title. Chris is a pastor, storyteller, writer, and producer from Dallas, Texas. His wife Julie is a writer, producer, speaker, and two-time cancer survivor from Edmond, Oklahoma. Together, Chris and Julie are the founders of Welcome Hom ..read more
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EP 74: Helping the World Hear God Speak with Duncan Campbell
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
7M ago
If you were to rate your current experience reading or listening to the Word of God, how would you fare? If you're like most guys, Bible engagement can be challenging. While some are very disciplined with their time in the Word, others struggle to prioritize and focus. Our most recent Spiritual Health of Men Survey found that you aren’t alone. We saw some decline from the previous year in the number of respondents who responded to the question of whether they spend regular time in the Scriptures. So what can you do about it, and how can you get better at spending time daily in the Word? The go ..read more
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EP 73: The Discipleship Opportunity with Daniel Im
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
8M ago
The pandemic wreaked havoc on our world like nothing else in our lifetime. The fallout continues with polarization, division, depression, isolation, distraction, and the disappearance of many people from inside the walls of the Church. But what if the events of the past few years were not a problem but an opportunity? What if God was using this time in our history to awaken people to His Kingdom and awaken His people to truly be a people of calm in chaos, to be salt and light in this dark world, and to be His ambassadors of hope and justice? What if God was stirring you and me to ask ourselves ..read more
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EP 72: From Orphans to Sons to Mission with Thanh Campbell
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
9M ago
How could a two-year-old orphan boy, taken out of his country by mistake in 1975 from halfway around the world, now impact the world as a grown man in 2024? In this month’s podcast, you’ll hear a story of just how that happened! Google “Orphan 32,” and you will read how Thanh Campbell was taken from his war-torn country of Vietnam and came to Canada as part of the last flight out of Saigon in 1975 with 56 other orphans. Thanh has written his memoir Orphan 32 and, most recently, his illustrated children's book, Lost and Found: Orphan 32 Goes Home. He has been invited to be a guest on such progr ..read more
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EP 71: Hope-Filled Marriage with Neil and Sharol Josephson
Impactus podcast
by Impactus
10M ago
If you were to rate the health of your marriage or family today, how would you score? 10/10, living in bliss? 5/10, with some challenges and struggles? Lower?  Marriages and families go through different seasons, but the good news is that you don’t have to go through them alone. There are supports to help you and your family: counsellors, pastors, churches, and ministry organizations who are there to come alongside you wherever you find yourself on the journey.  One of those organizations is FamilyLife Canada, a ministry of Power to Change, which exists to bring help and hope to ever ..read more
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