Marketing Resolutions (3 easy paths to better branding)
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
1M ago
2025 promises to be a better year for business owners and marketers. Especially if you’re willing to follow a few simple resolutions. I could have written a dozen or so, but that would go against the number one resolution for better branding: 1. Resolve to be short and sweet. (Whenever you can) There’s a proven […] Read more about Marketing Resolutions (3 easy paths to better branding more
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How to judge your advertising
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
1M ago
When you grow up on the creative side of the advertising industry you learn the hard way, how to judge your own advertising. Because your direct boss, the Creative Director, is screaming “IT’S SHIT! DO IT OVER. TRY AGAIN!” That person is usually a much harder sell than the client. Creative Directors know what constitutes […] Read more about How to judge your advertising more
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Differentiation vs. Distinctiveness – What’s more important for marketing?
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
2M ago
Marketing professors, gurus and know-it-all social media commentators love arguing over the latest marketing terms, like differentiation vs. distinctiveness.  Some say “forget about differentiation, now it’s all about distinctiveness.” Give me a break. How could differentiation possibly be bad for business? The two terms are almost synonymous. You say tomato I say tomahto. If you […] Read more about Differentiation vs. Distinctiveness – What’s more important for marketing more
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Companies built on beliefs & brand values. (Not products)
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
2M ago
What do you really believe in? What motivates you — heart and soul — to do your work everyday? What are the brand values that guide your operation? If you don’t know, you’re missing a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competition. Most small business owners never think about the important underpinnings of their […] Read more about Companies built on beliefs & brand values. (Not products more
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Does website design matter? Yes, as long as first impressions matter.
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
2M ago
There was a group discussion on LinkedIn recently that started with this question: “Does website design really matter? ” It provoked quite a debate…  Graphic designers and advertising people in one camp, web programmers and entrepreneurs in the other, arguing their respective positions. The paint-by-numbers group believes web design doesn’t really matter at all. Design […] Read more about Does website design matter? Yes, as long as first impressions matter more
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Why most marketing videos fail. (Unscripted advice on the missing ingredient)
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
3M ago
Marketing videos are popping up faster than you can yell “cut.”  The YouTube stats are mind-boggling… It’s the second-busiest website on earth, with 2.7 billion monthly users. There are 114 million different YouTube channels, so you can delve deep into any subject under the sun. Seriously. Five hundred hours of new video content is uploaded […] Read more about Why most marketing videos fail. (Unscripted advice on the missing ingredient more
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Marketing lessons from the not-so-surprising failure of Sears
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
3M ago
The demise of Sears, once the country’s largest retailer, is replete with valuable marketing lessons for business owners, entrepreneurs, marketing execs and brand managers. When the Sears store in my hometown closed its doors after a 60-year presence in the market, I was not exactly distraught. I bought a few tools there, once upon a […] Read more about Marketing lessons from the not-so-surprising failure of Sears more
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Definition of digital marketing — 4 things you HAVE to know
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
3M ago
Surely you’ve heard the online chatter about “digital marketing.” There are a million platforms, channels, systems, software programs and “strategies” that are guaranteed to help you “kill it” online. Every month it’s something new. (You using Facebook Messenger as an ad platform yet? What about TikTok?) If you’re a business owner you have better things […] Read more about Definition of digital marketing — 4 things you HAVE to know more
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Food Packaging 101 – from bland to a billion
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
4M ago
Food Packaging 101 – Lessons From a Billion-Dollar Tortilla Brand   Here’s a case study I’d like to share in food packaging design. I was not involved in this rebranding, but my hat’s off to the design team and to the Garza family for embracing the change. It’s noteworthy due to their rapid rise from […] Read more about Food Packaging 101 – from bland to a billion more
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Successful branding – 3 logical reasons why brands need more emotional thinking
BN Branding Blog
by John Furgurson
5M ago
In the battle between right-brained marketing people, and left-brained finance people, the left brainers usually win. They have data, spreadsheets, and the graphs to support their decisions. We have gut instinct, intuition, and experience. But we also have some good, empirical evidence that suggests the analytical approach really isn’t the way to go when it comes to many business decisions. Especially when it comes to branding. Read more about Successful branding – 3 logical reasons why brands need more emotional thinking more
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